The Aztec Printed Shirt, Pink Jeans, & a Weekly Link-Up is COMING!
[Outfit Deets: Shirt and Jeans: Zara, Jean Jacket: LOFT (old), Bag: Longchamp (old), Blush Flats: Fab’rik Chapel Hill, Pink and Gold Bangles: Forever21, Silver Bow Bangle: Jewelmint]
You guys, remember how I said the Las Vegas club scene wasn’t exactly my thing? Well, I’m going to be totally honest with you. I NEVER go shopping. Okay, never is an exaggeration… but RARELY. It’s RARE.
Like, I will grab something that I need here or there or snag a sweet deal at the Target clearance rack for $7 – but I rarely have money to actually spend time, SHOPPING. When you’re trying to save money like crazy and raise money for a mission trip – spending extra American dollhairs on clothes just ain’t in the cards.
One day, perhaps, but not right now… and I’m totally OKAY with that. Honestly, it’s been really fun remixing the stuff I already have.
But that’s honestly a conversation for another day.
SO, when I was in Vegas last week for work, the last night we were in Vegas, everyone went out for a big fancy dinner and then went to the club. Now, that’s totally fine – but I was SO tired and frankly – I just wanted to kinda be in my own zone. You know what I mean? Well, instead of spending my money on a fancy dinner and drinks – I went to the MALL right next to our hotel, got Chipotle for dinner (yeah, I got Chipotle in Vegas… sue me), and went SHOPPING.
Now, I didn’t go crazy, but it was fun to just walk around the mall and snag a few deals.
Also, the mall had a ZARA. Now, I lurve Zara, but there is NO ZARA NEAR ME. Sadface. Well, I was floored. Seriously, for a second whilst walking around The Zara, thought I was hyperventilating – they have so many pretty things there.
WELL, long, rambling story short, I snagged these blush pink jeans and this aztec printed top you see before you. And, all together, the jeans and top were only $50!! The jeans were on sale for $30 and the top was on sale for $20. NOT BAD, if you ask me!
SO yeah, I love this outfit. It might be my new favorite outfit right now. For reals. Now I paired it with the jean jacket in some of the photos for bits and giggles… but no way jose did I actually wear it all day – it is HOT AS ALL GETOUT here in North Carolina. My golly. And the humidity. SHEESH.
So, do you love the Aztec Print? Are you Zara-less where you live, too?
ANYWAY, Moving on.
I have a fun, exciting, announcement to share with you – VIDEO BELOW (click here if you can’t see the video):
YES. So, either A) if you couldn’t understand me cause I was talking so fast, or B) you can’t watch the YouTubes at work, here’s the dealio:
It’s going to be called: #YOLOMONDAYS.
There are a ton of awesome Wednesday link-up parties, and Friday link-up parties, but I haven’t come across a sweet MONDAY LINK-UP (at least I haven’t found one yet...). And plus, doesn’t everyone traditionally “hate” Mondays? Don’t we all need a reason to LOVE Mondays?
Well, #YOLOMONDAYS is bringing the sexy back to MONDAYS.
You can link up here… EVERY MONDAY. What are you linking up? You ask…
It can be an outfit post, a DIY craft, a story, happenings from you weekend, a photo, musings, WHATEVER. It’s MONDAY and You Only Live Once (#YOLO)… so why not enjoy it and share what you want, right?! Right.
THUS, #YOLOMONDAYS has been born.
All I ask is that you link up something awesome and you include a link back on your blog – you know, so people that read your blog know what the #YOLOMONDAYS is all about. Plus, you wanna spread the Monday joy, right?! Right.
You can also use this nifty #YOLOMONDAYS graphic, too… if you like.
Here’s the HTML Code if you need it:
<a href=””><img title=”#YOLOMONDAYS Link Button” src=”” alt=”” width=”400″ height=”200″ /></a>
HTML Code if you need it:
<a href=””><img title=”#YOLOMONDAYS 265×265 Button” src=”” alt=”” width=”265″ height=”265″ /></a>
Yeah. So that’s it. Happy Thursday, y’all! Who’s pumped for #YOLOMONDAYS? I know I am. If you couldn’t tell already
xoxo, all for now.
Oh, I’m also linking up with Two Thirty-Five Designs for Casual Friday link-up!
Very cute – love the print on your top!
xo Jennifer
Love it!!! This outfit combines trend and classic! I also adore your arm party. I’m planning on some shopping tomorrow and I’m definitely going to be on the lookout for those adorable pink bracelets.
what a fun top! and I love your bracelets!! excited for your monday link up! : )
thank you so much, katie!!! and YESSS! i hope you come back monday cause #YOLOMONDAYS is gon’ be the bomb dig.
yay yay yay! I love some linky love! Also, I have a huge crush on your outfit… I have NEVER shopped at Zara (how can I call myself a blogger!?) and am totally jealous of your awesome finds!
yayyyyy! linky love! hope you come back on monday, girl. i’m pretty pumped to see what comes out of #YOLOMONDAYS – it was a weird crazy idea i had at 3 in the morning when i couldn’t sleep – LOL. and dude, it’s okay – i’d never been to a zara either since we don’t have one near me at all – so i was in LOVE when i finally stepped foot in the doors of one!
I just stumbled across your bloga nd I’m so glad I did! =) We’re Zara-less too. Ane we don’t have an H&M. I feel so deprived. lol I love that aztec print top!!
thanks SO much, tiffany!! you’re so sweet! I don’t have an H&M either!! UGH WORST!!
What a fun aztec print top! And have I told you how much I love seeing your signature pose photos, because I do. They make me smile.
xo, Yi-chia
Always Maylee
thanks, yi-chia!! you know, i like to keep it real
i like to let people know how i TRULY pose

1) love the top! 2) great link up idea, I’m in! Let me know if you need/want cohosts!
thanks carly!!! oh man! I never thought about co-hosts!!! that could be AWESOME. let’s see how this first week goes and then maybe we can switch it up! that would be so much fun! i love collaborating on fun stuff

I have lamented the lack of a Zara in NC for some time now … sigh. Now I lament it even more seeing this adorable outfit you snagged there for $50! Awesomeness.
Sea and Swank
SERIOUSLY – we need a zara and an H&M!!!!
Love that top Molly – such a cute print! And YOLO Mondays sounds fun
The Other Side of Gray
thanks annie!! #YOLOMONDAYS is gonna be off the hizzy. for rizzy. ohmygoshican’tbelieveijustsaidthat…