1. Alright, if you are ever back in Northern VA for a visit I will be kidnapping you and having you attack my closet. I would look at a pair of shorts like that and think “yeah, you could totally wear those on a normal day if you styled them right. And by you I mean someone who isn’t me,” and then leave them at the store. Or worse I would buy them promising myself I would have the guts to rock them one day and then totally let them rot in my closet because I’d be too intimidated to wear them out. I need an intervention!

  2. Dear Molly, this outfit is awesome-freaking-tastic. I will be trying to bribe all of my future clients (I’m a photographer) into wearing something like this, because it’s that awesome-freaking-tastic.Keep rocking the glitter & chambray, and amazing shoes!

    in awe,
    – Jessica

  3. Ok, you look ridiculously cute!

    1. Who finds a chambray J Crew shirt for $10??? Please take me thrifting with you!
    2. $12 sequins shorts…really? I thought I was a good shopper, but you are putting me to shame!
    3. Love everything about this outfit, really love it.

    Lindsay @

    1. thank you SO much, lindsay! there are a couple REALLY awesome consignment and thrift stores in chapel hill that i think all the rich ladies take their clothes to, so i love checking in every once in a while to see what sweet things i can find. 🙂 it takes dedication but it can pay off (no pun intended!) thank you so much for your sweet comment, girl!

  4. I love these sequins shorts! I think, like you said, that outfit makes them perfect for day to night! And that was so sweet of your friend to buy you those shoes. They are so cute!

  5. Girl!
    This outfit is SO stinking cute!
    You put it together perfectly 🙂
    I can’t believe you found that chambray for $10!

    Happy Wednesday!

  6. I love this combo! It takes the usual sequin tank + chambray outfit and turns it on its head with the unexpected sequin shorts – and WAY TO GO rocking those shorts, I don’t think I would have the guts, but they look great! 🙂

  7. Girl! Look at your rocking your sequin shorts! Awesome. 😉 I love this outfit, you’re right it is everything that is fun about blogging (and getting dressed!) I wish I could wear sequin shorts, but for some reason sequins irritate my skin! Go figure. 😉

  8. I’m freaking out so much about this outfit right now that I had to come back and leave another comment telling you that this is AWESOME! Now enough stalking and I’m off to find some sequin shorts!

  9. OH my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh – I think my heart seriously skipped a beat when the first few pics loaded. I knew I’d love the outfit just by the title, but HOLY MOLY WOMAN – this is amazing. Maybe my most favorite outfit of yours so far! I pinned this to my inspiration board faster than you can say “um, how soon can I copy this?”. Seriously Molly – I absolutely LOVE this … you are so glamorous and are absolutely gorgeous!

    1. seriously you totally made my day. thank you SO much for your sweet commentS, bonnie. i hope you can snag yourself a pair of sequin shorts cause i know they would look FABULOUS on you!!

  10. Um, well, yeah. Every girl needs sequined shorts when she’s in Vegas!! I actually love how you toned down their sparklyness with the blazer and chambray. You know what might be a cute, funky look? If you paired some converse type tennis shoes with them. It seems like something a daring fashion blogger would do. =) I might not, but someone out there would and would look pretty darn fabulous doing it! lol

  11. You look GORGEOUS! I am in love with your sequins shorts, what a great buy that was! And it looks just perfect with the chambray and blazer. I can’t wait to see you wear them with boots. Those shoes are KILLER, you look hottttt! 🙂

    xo, Yi-chia
    Always Maylee

  12. I LOVE this. I’m with you…I would probably never buy sequin shorts (mostly because they make a major statement and I wouldn’t know how to style them down) but if I saw a pair on sale for $12, I’d probably go for it. I love how casual you make this look…you let the shorts do all the talking! Now I’ve found a little motivation to find my own statement piece and try to recreate this look. Also, it’s always great to see someone have so much fun with fashion.


    1. thank you so much, stephanie! you should TOTALLY recreate this look. let me know if you do! and that’s what it’s all about girl – not trying to be runway models or anything… just having a lot of fun. 🙂

  13. Molly! You look phenomenal – the idea of sequin shorts would TERRIFY me, but you make it look so approachable and possible…maybe if I can find a pair on sale, I’ll give it a whirl! xoxo

  14. LOVE love love!!!! I don’t think these are too much – the sequins are actually kind of muted (!!) – this outfit is so creative and I love it!!!

  15. I’ve been DYING for a pair of sequin shorts like these! But the cheapskate in me will not pay $60 for them. I need to find an affordable pair, sigh. I absolutely love this look on you, Molly! You look super chic!

    1. yeah me neither, girl. $60 is out of the question. check express’s sales… that’s where i’ve found my luck!! 🙂 🙂 thank you so much for your sweet comment, sharon!

  16. LOVE the outfit–who knew sequin shorts could be anything other than strippertastic?

    I’m a HUGE fan of sequins myself and have a sequin sweater I’ve been trying to make work for ages!

  17. Nice job pulling off double collars. I think this is definitely a dressy outfit! The white blazer and sequins trump the chambray.

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