On Comfort Zones… + Link-Up!
Blazer: Marshall’s (old, similar) | Bag: Target | Earrings: Nickel and Suede c/o | Blanket Scarf: Jane | Jeans: Stitch Fix | Top: Stitch Fix | Watch: Vierra Watches c/o (use code BEINGMOLLY for 10% off your order) | Shoes: Root Collective c/o
The other day I got to being all reflective and stuff and I talked about dreams. Life dreams. Not sleep dreams. As I sat and thought about what I wrote and read it and reread it over and over again, I started thinking about comfort zones.
For the most part, I am an open book. I’m fairly comfortable in my own skin, but strangely, there are some things that just feel totally, utterly and completely out of my “comfort zone.” And the more I think about what is or is not in my comfort zone, the more confused I feel because sometimes those things almost contradict themselves.
What do I mean?
Well, like, for example…
- I am incredibly comfortable on a stage. Singing. Doing comedy. Giving a presentation. Teaching something. Emceeing. Hosting. Whathaveyou… if it’s on a stage, I’m comfortable.
- I am incredibly comfortable around my friends and family… I can be myself. I can act goofy. I can share thoughts, feelings, and whatnots.
- I am incredibly UNCOMFORTABLE in front of a camera. I realize that I write a style blog and I am in front of a camera a lot… but even after all this time, I feel awkward. I feel uncomfortable. I’m self-conscious about ALL of the things.
- I am incredibly UNCOMFORTABLE in a group of people that I don’t really know. I can be very shy and reserved around people I’ve just met… but then sometimes I’ll be around someone I’ve just met and be the complete opposite (as in, not shy and reserved), simply because it’s how I deal with the fact that I’m uncomfortable. I try to make light of the situation and make people laugh… and that makes me, in turn, more comfortable.
- There are times when I’m incredibly comfortable sharing my heart, my thoughts, my feelings, my beliefs and stuff with you guys here on this blog… but if I were to have that same conversation with someone IN PERSON… I’d feel weird. I have NO idea why. It’s not like I don’t know that those same people read this blog… but some things are just easier to talk about when I write them down. Or something.
I realize this seems random and strange, but it’s true. And those things are just a few examples… I could probably write a book on the ways I am comfortable and uncomfortable in completely different, yet eerily similar situations. If that makes any sense whatsoever.
I’ve just been thinking about it a lot because I’m at this point in my life where I’m trying to stop worrying so much about what other people think and start doing things because I love them, because they’re fun, and because I truly, wholly, madly, deeply believe in them.
It’s no secret that I am a people pleaser. It is often my greatest strength and my worst weakness. It’s quite the conundrum, if you will.
But more often than not, in my great desperation to please those around me, my own wants / likes / needs / passions / etceteras end up suffering. That’s okay sometimes, but after awhile, I start to lose sight of certain things. I start to lose sight of why I’m doing something or pursuing something or sharing something or producing something or working on something.
The truth is, NOT being a people pleaser is absolutely outside of my comfort zone. NOT worrying about what other people think is outside of my comfort zone. And sure, there’s gotta be a healthy balance. No one likes a selfish Sally… but at the same time, sacrificing constantly for the sake of those around you can be damaging in the long run.
Does that make sense? I realize I keep asking that question, but sometimes, I really wonder if my random ramblings and meandering thoughts are even coherent.
All of this to say is – my goal this year is to really work on pushing myself. Pushing myself in all aspects… going outside of my comfort zone – because I know it’s only going to help me grow as a wife, a parent, a friend, a family member, a blogger, a photographer, etc.
What about you? Are you a people pleaser? Are you someone who stays inside your comfort zone or do you push yourself on a regular basis?
One of my blogger friends, Sandy a la Mode, is celebrating 5 years of blogging with some awesome giveaways this past week! For her last giveaway, a group of gorgeous and talented bloggers have come together to bring you a Mansur Gavriel Mini Bucket Bag Giveaway (in Cammello – Dolly) for ONE grand prize winner and a $100 gift card of choice to an additional winner!
Your Host
Fizz and Frosting | Sophisticaited | Lattes and Lavender | Gentri Lee | Missy Sue
A Sequin Love Affair | Wild One Forever | Autumn Klair | Ruby Girl | The Adored Life
Lesdedrickson | The Haute Cookie | Still Being Molly | Oh To Be A Muse | KB Styled
To enter, simply complete the Rafflecopter below.
The giveaway is open until January 25. 2015 at 12AM MST.
The more entries you complete, the more chances you have to win!
This giveaway is open Internationally for all the fashion lovers around the world!
Welcome to Let it Shine! Welcome to the new, revamped Funday Monday! After two years, we decided to rename our link up to something we felt was a better fit. Welcome to Let it Shine! Why the name? Because, we want this link up to be just that…..your chance to let it shine! We will be sharing our favorites each week here, and on social media!
/ Gramatically Incorrect / A Sporting Life /
Another place we will be showcasing our favs? The Let It Shine Pinterest Board! So, go ahead…..and Let it Shine!
Your words really resonated with me. Thank you for sharing. I am a total people pleaser and I was just talking with my sister how it is both a blessing and a curse. I love your bright blue bag. So fun!
Oh Molly…I love you. I love these posts where you’re more vulnerable – I think it’s awesome that you’re reflecting more about what makes you both comfortable AND uncomfortable. I’m similar to you in that I’m pretty comfortable on stage (I did a lot of acting and performing in high school and college), but I am super awkward and uncomfortable when I get to know people in a small group. It’s the weirdest feeling!!
Oh my goodness…..you are just so precious! Your outfit is adorable…may be my new fave…and I love your honesty. The only way we can ever improve or change ourselves is to identify those areas we feel we have weakness and step outside our comfort zone.
I think we all face personal challenges and often push ourselves to be better versions of ourselves in the new year. I know I need to stop trying to do it all. I’m a wife, mom, blogger, vlogger, full-time employee and business owner. i cannot do it all!! But i try! lol. we’re all hurman, and all we can do is try out best! Thanks for hosting! I’m new to your blog and LOVE this look.
this post was very inspirational and I totally understand where you’re coming from! I love that blogging kind of pushes us out of our comfort zone just by default!
I completely know where you are coming from Molly! To be honest I’m more of a one to one person! It has truly been a challenge for me and totally out of my comfort zone to share on my blog! It hasn’t been until this year that I’ve found “Me” or “My Voice” when blogging and that’s after I went into a “blogger funk”.
Sometimes growing is also a bit out of my comfort zone. I know riiiight! Crazy. We all have our comfort zones and sometimes pushing ourselves past them brings amazing results.
Love your blog! ♥
Such cute photos! I have a new cobalt blue bag, and I’m always delighted to see more inspiration outfits with bright blue accessories. Thanks for the inspiration!
Jen @ Librarian for Life + Style
I totally relate. And I love your blog! Your smiling happy face makes me happy :). Karen
Hi Molly!
Long time reader, first time commenter
I absolutely love Silly Being Molly! I love how you live up to your blogs name and you are never afraid to be a little silly! It makes it fun to read and why I keep coming back. I have been blogging for about a year, and it has been such a wonderful experience. I have so much and never knew how many hours go into getting a blog up and running!
Happy Monday!
Ginger Side of Life
Molly for someone who’s uncomfortable in front of the camera you’ve sure produced some amazing shots for this post – the photos are nothing short of AWESOME!! Your energy and sense of fun is so lovely to see… I assume that’s you forcing yourself out of your comfort zone?!!
Do you know what I honestly don’t whether I’m a people-pleaser or not. I’d like to think I am but then again… I think I need to ask someone else!! Plus I’d much rather talk to a group of people than have a one-to-one conversation with a stranger. That’s *really* scary.
Thank you for hosting, my lovely (and I forgot to say: your top/scarf combo is gorgeous – they complement each other beautifully)!
Catherine x
Oh man can I relate to ALL of this! On my blog I feel like I’m an open book, and then throw me in the middle of a blogger meet up, I’m super awkward… But then have me teach at church the women’s class every other week in front of people I also don’t know, and I rock it… The truths of social awkwardness at it’s finest!
One of my favorite outfit of yours, the colors work so well together.
Hope to see you Thursday for TBT Fashion link up.
You look so beautiful and happy! And great outfit too.
Molly-I get you. For me, writing is such a better form of expression versus in person where I always seem to get tounge tied or over compensate for my shyness. It baffles my husband that I am fine to get up on stage and sing in front of a bunch of people, but absolutely tremble when I go to meet someone new.
Love your new Blog Hop name and your adorable outfit! I love mixing patterns. Come on over to Style Nudge for my Shoe and Tell fashion link-up on
I love your outfit so much! And I’m uncomfortable in groups of people and in front of the camera too. And I’ve definitely been a people pleaser but it’s something I’m working on!
Great Post! and your outfit is adorable!
I’m so a people person and I’m not good at stepping outside the box at all! Oh and I’m in love with this color combo! The plaid, the stripes, the pop of blue? Just love it!
Love, love, love this outfit! Every single piece. It’s one of those that makes me think I need to run out and buy a striped blazer, that scarf and a cobalt purse.
Loved that you shared your thoughts, Molly! I feel like I’m a contradiction as well. I don’t feel comfortable speaking in public but feel pretty comfortable meeting new people. Given the right environment, I’m okay speaking in public and sometimes if I’m not comfortable with the environment, I’m not myself when meeting new people. Go figure. I think we all react to our environment depending on how safe we feel in it. Anyway, love the plaid scarf with the striped blazer. Such a cute look! ~Cynthia
Ooooo- I love me some self reflection!
I am so deeply entrenched in this right now and how to express myself so that it can help others. Thank you for sharing – and I totally get it!
Thanks for the love Molly! You look as pretty and fresh as ever – love the mixed prints!
Heather Wyancko
Love this post! I am all about pushing outside my comfort zone. Most people don’t realize I am a huge Introvert and I push myself daily to not become a recluse! Your post has given me the push I need to keep going outside my comfort zone! Thanks and love your outfit!
xo, Lee
Super cute shots Molly – thanks for sharing bits of yourself too!!!
You look adorable! Love this outfit and thanks for sharing a little bit about yourself – I can relate
I feel very much the same way Molly. I hate taking pictures of myself. And while I am comfortable talking about fashion with my blog friends, I am not comfortable sharing my blog with my real life friends. I think it is because I fear they will think I am full of myself or snobby (which I am neither). Thanks for the inspiration to continue stepping outside of my comfort zone! Great look today too! Susan
These photos are great! And love the bold blue of the bag and the stripes. Thanks for hosting x
The blue bag is soooo cute
Beautiful look. Loving the cobalt colors.
Your photos look gorgeous! I love everything about your outfit from the cobalt bag to the stripes and the scarf! Thank you for featuring me in your favorites section from last week and hosting the link-up!
I push. It’s not always easy (or comfortable harhar), but usually worth it in the end
Alex – Funky Jungle
What a great shoot! Looks so fun! xoxo
That first picture is pure JOY! <3 it! Hope you have a great week!