DIY Linen Spray
This is one of the EASIEST DIYs you will ever do… seriously! It’s SO easy, it’s insane how easy it is. I bet, if you timed it, it takes less than 30 seconds to actually make. MAYBE 60 seconds, tops. This is also a recipe that is easily customizable and makes a GREAT homemade gift for someone!
On that note, we are getting eerily closer to the holiday season and, for those of you that are like me and like to plan, I’ll be sharing some easy DIY recipes over the next few months that make GREAT gifts!
For this particular recipe, I kept it really simple and just chose to make a lavender linen spray, because it smells awesome and is especially great for your sheets. I mean, who doesn’t want to lay their head on a pillow that smells like lavender?!
I hope you’ll give this one a try!
- A 4 oz. spray bottle (These are my favorite) (glass, plastic, or aluminum is fine as long as you are not using citrus oils… if you are using any citrus oils, please only use glass or aluminum!)
- Water (I use tap water and it’s fine)
- Witch hazel (Get some here – you could use a pinch of Epsom salt or sea salt as a substitute if you don’t have witch hazel on hand… I prefer witch hazel)
- 10 drops of Lavender essential oil (Get essential oils here)
About Lavender Essential Oil:
Lavender (Lavandula angustifolia) has a sweet, floral aroma that is soothing and refreshing. Lavender’s aroma is great for relaxing and winding down before bedtime; add to bath or diffuse to create a calming and comforting environment. Lavender essential oil may compliment your favorite shampoos, lotions and skin care products. Because it is the most versatile of all essential oils, no home should be without it. (Source)
In your spray bottle of choice, put about 10-12 drops of Lavender essential oil (or your desired essential oil combo of choice). Peace & Calming would also be a great substitution!
Add 1/2 teaspoon of witch hazel (I just eyeballed it). This helps to emulsify the essential oil since oil and water don’t mix.
Fill the rest with tap or distilled water (room temperature, preferably).
Put the cap on the spray bottle and give it a good shake. Then, spray on your sheets, pillows, blankets, couches, dog beds, etc. Anywhere you like!
Get ready to curl up and fall asleep relaxed.
What do you think? Will you give this recipe a try? Do you have any other linen sprays that you love?
By the way, if you’ve been thinking about getting started using essential oils, now is a GREAT time! Feel free to email me with questions – Here’s the link to get started!
Could you use this to spray clothes before steaming them?
Just made and sprayed my bed linen, love the smell hopefully it will help with my sinus infection
I had some linen spray years ago that I loved. When I ran out I could never find it again. I’ll have to make my own! Who knew it was so easy!
You are reading my mind because I was just staring at my oils and an empty metal bottle yesterday wondering how I could make a linen spray. I think I’ll try cedarwood and lavender!!
Alyssa | Glitter and Grey