Nuna TAVO Stroller Review (4)


  1. Thanks for the great review. I’ve been looking at the Tavo for a while, since I’m leaning towards the Nuna Pipa. One thing I’ve noticed is that when the Pipa is attached to the Tavo, the Tavo shade and the Pipa shade converge and can keep the baby quite covered, which is great when the baby is sleeping. However, does the Tavo shade push back all the way so that there is a larger gap between the Tavo and Pipa shades making the baby visible when she is awake?

  2. Hello, Thank you for sharing your honest thoughts on the TAVO! I’m wondering about the basket. It seems to be a bit difficult to access…What are your experiences with that? Are you able to get things in and out of your purse, without taking it out of the basket? Kind Thanks!

    1. Hey Cheryl! Hmm good question! Honestly it hasn’t even occurred to me to be a problem… The basket is so huge and holds so much I’ve never had a problem with it personally! Sorry if I’m not more helpful 🙁

  3. Can you please tell me the seat dimensions? Like back length, back to foot rest (while its up and fully extended?) also, what is the age and height of your daughter? I’m just trying to figure out if it will fit my son who outgrew the Nuna mixx super fast! I was so bummed bc it was an amazing stroller so I’m just hoping the tavo will fit him! Thank you!

    1. Hey Jackie! I don’t have the seat dimensions right now, I can check them later… however I can tell you that my daughter is about to be 3 and she’s around 35/36 pounds and she fits in the stroller great! My son who is 5.5 months also fits in it as well!

  4. I’m seriously considering the Tavo, but my only concern is that the seat cushions are not removable and not machine washable. I am a first time mom, it seems like removable seat cushion is essential, with potential, spills, spit ups and what not… I know the Mixx comes with removable seat cushions and is machine washable. But I like that Tavo is Pipa ready, and has a bigger canopy. Tell me, am I worrying about something that isn’t realistic once I’m a mom? Because to me, it sounds like fixed seat cushions can be a deal breaker!

    1. that is a great point! for me, the material is so easy to clean that it hasn’t been a problem for me and i’ve been able to spot clean it easily. I know for some the non-removable cushions can definitely be a deal breaker… for me it hasn’t been a problem so I can only speak from personal experience. I do loooove the stroller though!!

  5. Thank you for your review! I am considering this stroller for my baby girl due soon. One thing I noticed is that the Tavo does not have a cup holder. Did you think this was a con or is there a way around that? Adaptors?

    1. great questions! I have found that most strollers don’t come with a cup holder (some certainly do) but many travel systems don’t. You can buy one as an accessory (they sell them on the Nuna website I believe) or you can even buy them on Amazon! 🙂 Hope that helps!!

      1. you can buy a snack and cup holder combo as an accessory that snaps into the belly bar slot when belly bar is removed.

  6. This is great! I’m seriously considering this stroller. We live in the city, and I noticed that the wheels are not considered all terrain (as opposed to the Nuna Mix). Do you think the stroller can handle uneven urban sidewalks?

    1. great question! I live in the suburbs so I mostly use this on sidewalks, in stores, going to the park and haven’t really tried it on all terrain ground… I think it would do well on urban sidewalks, but if it’s pretty uneven and rough where you live, I might look into something a little more all terrain. I did take the TAVO to the museum yesterday that has a lot of hills / gravel and it did well!

  7. Thank you for this! I am expecting my first in the fall and have been shopping around for strollers. I’ll definitely be looking at Nuna!

  8. I haven’t used the Tavo, but I have used a few other Nuna products and I love them! Great review! I will definitely check them out.

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