Osh Kosh Kids #BreakForSpring Kids and Baby Style (10)


  1. My sister sent this message to me about my niece today and it made me think of #chatswithlilly: Olivia kept asking me for chips and I kept saying no. Finally I prayed with her for God to help her stop thinking about chips because Momma said no. After we said Amen, she tells me “God said I could have some chips.”

  2. So cute! Kids do say the funniest things! Writing them down is a great idea, and something to remind them of on their wedding day maybe!

    Emma xxx

  3. This is precious! I have been meaning to ask how you are liking the Levana Ovia Baby Monitor you wrote about several months ago? I am in the market for a new one and wanted to know how it has held up so far?

    1. I absolutely LOVE the Levana monitor! Only downside is you can’t watch it remotely (like from a phone or tablet…) but I like that that is basically a security feature. I especially love the monitor now that we have two kids because it has two cameras. It’s definitely held up well!!

      1. Awesome! Thank you so much for the response. I was pretty sold on this monitor, but it actually got quite a few bad reviews on Amazon. It also got some great ones…so then I was conflicted. It is so hard to choose!!!

        1. Oh no! What did the bad reviews say? I’ll have to look! We’ve had a great experience with ours. It’s certainly not perfect but I don’t know if there is one out there that has all the features I’d want haha

  4. I highly recommend catching your favorite baby words and phrases on video! It’s so awesome to be able to go back and hear them again once they’ve evolved to normal.

    Also, Waffle House is Harry’s favorite, too. 🙂

  5. Pingback: Camouflage Style
  6. I keep a notebook of all of my son’s funny sayings and we read it together. It brings back some great memories.

    Thank you for hosting and hope you are having a fab week!



    Hope to see you Thursday for TBT Fashion link up.

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