All Over the Same Place Again
Shirt: TOBI c/o (comes in two colors, made in the USA and on major sale!!) | Earrings: Nickel and Suede | Bag: Nena & Co. | Jeans: Stitch Fix | Earrings: Nickel and Suede | Shoes: The Root Collective (use this link for 10% off) | Cuff: Branded Collective | Watch: Wristology Watches (Use code “45” for 20% off) | Necklace: Journey Lockets c/o
Have you ever felt so totally overwhelmed, while also so totally focused? Does that even make sense? If it doesn’t, that’s fine… because, well, it doesn’t really make sense to me either when I say it out loud, but in my head I’m all like, “Yeah! Duh! Of course that makes sense!”
That’s basically my life right now. Look, I’m NOT falling into the “busy” trap and just saying, “LOOK AT ALL THE THINGS AND LOOK AT HOW BUSY I AM.” No, that’s not what this is. This is me just admitting to you that I do not, at all, not even close, have it all together. A lot of days are just me trying to survive and keep my head above water. BUT, in other ways, lately, I have felt more focused than ever.
Working from home full time with two kids is no easy task. Lilly no longer naps and flat out refuses to even have a “quiet time,” so my during-the-day schedule is pretty sporadic and insane. If I can get an hour of focused work in during the day, I call that a MASSIVE win. Heck, if I can get 30 minutes of focused work in, I call that a win. My wins are simple, folks.
But last week, I had a really great day on Friday and I just HUSTLED LIKE NOBODY’S BUSINESS and knocked out like 25 things on my to-do list that had been hanging over my head and suddenly I felt a sigh of relief. Sometimes just putting the pedal to the medal and getting myself organized can REALLY make all the difference when it comes to my overall sanity and productivity.
Even moreso, when I really focus and get myself in order, I feel like a better mom and a better wife overall.
Again, I’ll say this, I don’t have it all figured out. Some days I totally lose it and think that there’s no way I can do this and that I’m not cut out for motherhood, entrepreneurship, or anything. Some days I truly feel like I should just throw in the towel.
But then I get OVER MYSELF and basically tell myself to shut it (haha!) and I get back to work.
I really am a big glass case of emotions sometimes. Haha! Or maybe just a roller coaster of emotions? Either way, more often than not, I’m all over the place.
I promise this self-deprecating talk is not me trying to also make you think that I’m TOTALLY unorganized or anything like that. Haha! Am I just digging myself a bigger hole now? Should I just quit while I’m ahead.
In any event, the whole point of this I guess is just to say that YOU ARE DOING AWESOME. Right where you are, you are doing awesome. It’s okay to not be okay. It’s okay to not have it all together. It’s okay to feel totally overwhelmed. It’s also okay to feel in complete control. It’s also totally okay to feel like you’re in the best place you’ve ever been.
Wherever you are, I’m learning, that’s exactly where you’re supposed to be. And that’s okay. Challenges should refine us. Success should humble us. Change helps us grow.
Girl I’m right there with ya – I NEVER have it together! But that bag is AMAZING! You are the cutest!
See, you seem so put together I just assumed you had everything focused! Awesome that you got a lot done in one day. Those don’t come along often haha
Molly, this is brilliant. I am literally writing that last line on a piece of paper and sticking it on my refrigerator. You should make art prints. (You know, in your spare time…LOL). Seriously – thank you for posting this! Just what I needed today!
aw thank you so much, Traci! That really means so much to me!!! Hahahaha yes, art prints! I should add that to my list!!! hahaha
but seriously… thank you <3
I am so right there with you. Totally overwhelmed and yet completely focused. Some days I think I can accomplish more than I actually do.
xo, Lee
you are amazing, LEE!!
Girl, I feel the same way! I’m either achieving all the things or I want to throw the towel in on all the things… sometimes I have good balance, and sometimes I don’t. I just keep trucking!
you are rocking it, Rebecca!
I am right there with you. I have so much that I need and want to blog about but just haven’t had the desire to blog. This post could not have come at a better time
you are awesome, melissa!
Great post! I know exactly what you mean. I feel like lately I’ve been all over the place yet focused. Some days I can do a million things and feel proud of myself and then other days I try and it just doesn’t get done. I’m learning to be happy with what I’m able to do and realize that I’m doing the absolute best I can. Love that bag by the way!
yes, girl. yes. it is ROUGH but we can do this!
I constantly struggle with the overwhelmed-yet-not-focused-yet-so-much-to-do. It’s basically always my life, so I can totally relate!! Also, that bag is gorgeous!
“Overwhelmed-yet-not-focused-yet-so-much-to-do” is such a great way to describe it! Perfectly, actually, for me because I experience this on a daily basis; I’m constantly telling myself to take it one day at a time. And, you know? I find that I make it through somehow. Work gets done and I simply go on to do it another day!
NCsquared Life
yes, #LIFEEEEEEEE you got this, girl!