Things That Make Me Swoon
Disclaimer: this blog post may be a stream of consciousness… be aware, tangents may ensue.
SCENE: Right now, it’s 68 degrees, there’s a slight breeze, I’m sitting out on my patio, writing, I have a Magic Hat Circus Boy in hand [in a Christopher Newport University alumni coozie], my dog is sleeping at my feet, and I’m listening to a mix tape I found that I had made in the summer of 1993. Yes, an actual cassette tape with songs recorded from the radio. [WPGC 95.5 and 93.9 WKYS, FTW!]

I worked for 14 hours straight today, yet I’m totally relaxed. This is the first time this has happened in easily, uhh, a while. For those of you that know me, those of you that don’t, and those of you who just read this blog, you may or may not know that a lot has changed in the past year. A lot. Some good, some bad, some happy, some sad, but needless to say, I’m a stronger person now than I was 365 days ago.
And the truth is, I’ve been incredibly stressed lately. Like, I honestly think the last time I felt this much stress for this amount of time, was my senior year of college when I was going through all that stuff. (Not going to rehash it all… I’ll simply link to the blog post where I discuss it.) Loss of sleep, migraines, back pain, the works – I’m going through it all right now. I’m not complaining by any means – life is a “rollercoaster” (or some shitty cliche like that) – and good and bad happens. It’s how you deal and how you handle it that matters.
So, to not digress any further than I already have, and in this solitary moment of relaxation I seem to have found, I wanted to “Yes, And!” the awesome day I’ve had and list the things that for realsies make me swoon (i.e. things I lurve):
- Spending time with my family
- A Diet Coke from the soda fountain
- Crushed ice
- Chipotle burritos
- Dave Matthews & Tim Reynolds LIVE recordings
- Writing
- A really good laugh
- Romantic comedies
- 24
- A really good heart-to-heart with someone
- The way my dog licks my face in the morning to wake me up (even though her breath STINKS)
- Even though I hate running, the way I feel after a long run
- Naps
- Walking on the beach holding my flip flops in my left hand
- Comedy bits
- New York City
- Getting flowers when I least expect it
- Spending time with my best friends in the whole wide world and giggling for hours
- The feeling I get when I’ve just played in an amazing improv set (it’s like no other feeling in the world)
- Sleeping with my window open and waking up a little bit cold so I have to put another blanket on
- Watching old home videos or looking at old pictures
- Googling my mom and reading old pieces of her writing or news articles about her and remembering her for just 5 minutes
- Telling “you had to be there” stories
- Holding an impromptu dance party… anywhere
- Taking a longer than necessary shower
- Using a brand new toothbrush or brand new tube of toothpaste
- The way a brand new magazine/book smells
- Karaoke
- Sitting outside at night and staring up at the moon
- Pool parties!
- Being Frattastic… super frattastic
- Football season (even though the Browns always suck)
- First dates
- First kisses
- Making new friends or rekindling an old friendship
- Teaching myself something new
- Trying something I’ve always been terrified of
- Hearing the words “You’re beautiful”
- Vacations
- BLASTING my music in the car and not caring that the other cars are staring at me
- Cracking myself up over dumb jokes
- Talking to my sister, Bridgid, who is quite possibly the strongest person I know – I don’t know what I would do without her
- Laughing with my dad and calling him just because I need to talk to my daddy
- Never being too old to call your dad, daddy
- Never being too old to laugh at a good fart joke
- Never being too old to swing on a swing set
- Getting awesome and being myself no matter what
I’m sure there are more. But I’ll stop there.
I want to know, what makes YOU swoon? By the way, have I told you today that YOU, are awesome? Because you are.
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