Today is the LAST DAY to enter the MLB Wine / Beverage glass giveaway from Taylor Brigham Designs!! Check it, y’all!
- Tank: Old Navy (old, similar here)
- Chevron Skirt: Old Navy ($5 with Snap Appy coupon)
- Jean Jacket: LOFT (old, similar here)
- Sandals: Steve Madden (old, similar here)
- Earrings: Mexico (purchased on honeymoon)
- Necklace: Wedding gift
- Sunnies: Dollar store
You guys, welcome to this week’s #YOLOMONDAYS link-up! Link-up details are below.
It is HOT in North Carolina right now. FOR REALS. So, the outfit that you see above is perfect for braving the HEAT. Well, sans the jacket. But still.
In the meantime, I want to tell you how I got this freaking sweet $28 Chevron skirt from Old Navy for only $5. Literally. Well, with tax, it came out to $5.23. But still. Close enough for government work.
I’d been stalking this skirt for a while. I LOVE the color, I love the bold chevron stripes, and I love the soft, flowy, comfortable fabric. But I didn’t want to pay $28 for it. Call me cheap, but hey, I’m cheap. I didn’t want to pay $28 for it.
So I stalked Old Navy every once in a while waiting for it to go on sale. WELL, I happened to stop in at Old Navy last Sunday on my bi-weekly stalk-the-chevron-skirt-check, and it had been marked down to $15. WIN.
Now, because I’m still cheap, I knew I could get a better deal than $15.
I have the Old Navy Snap Appy iPhone app which has a “Surprises” feature. If you download the Old Navy app, you go into an Old Navy store and “SNAP” / scan the Old Navy logo and it will give you surprises. Surprises range from games to random things to COUPONS. Well, you can scan as much as you want. So I scanned until I got a coupon. Well, I got a $5 coupon, but I knew I could do better. After three SNAPS, BOOM! I got a $10 off coupon.
$10 off $15? That’s $5, baby!
CALL THE CHEVRON SKIRT SOLD. You goin’ home with me, skirt.
Anyway. I was excited. And I lurve it. Have you scored any sweet deals like that lately? Are you as cheap as I am and refuse to pay full price for something? Does my cheapness make me a bad person? lol don’t answer that…
Hope y’all had a great weekend!
Oh and on a completely unrelated note – hubs and I watched The Green Mile on Saturday. Whoaly moly what a good movie. So sad. So good. Have you seen The Green Mile? Tom Hanks, Michael Clark Duncan… SO GOOD.
ANYWAY! Can’t wait to check out your link-ups below!
Welcome to #YOLOMONDAYS. The first week of this link-up was a huge success! YAY! If you’re new here, you can see the video explanation by clicking here.
The Rules for #YOLOMONDAYS Link-Ups:
- Link up your #YOLOMONDAYS blog post below – it can be ANYTHING. That’s the point of #YOLOMONDAYS. To share ANYTHING WE WANT… cause #YOLO. (It should be a new post… or at least new-ish… old posts are no fun for #YOLOMONDAYS)
- Post a link or button (in your blog post) back here so your readers know what all the #YOLOMONDAY-ness is about
- Visit a blog or four that you’ve never been to before and leave a #YOLOMONDAYS comment – you never know, you might “meet” someone new that you will lurve!
<a href=”http://stillbeingmolly.com/” target=”_blank”><img title=”yolomondaysbuttonlightpink” src=”http://stillbeingmolly.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/06/yolomondaysbuttonlightpink.jpg” alt=”” width=”400″ height=”200″ /></a>
<a href=”http://stillbeingmolly.com/” target=”_blank”><img title=”yolomondays265x265lightpink” src=”http://stillbeingmolly.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/06/yolomondays265x265lightpink.jpg” alt=”” width=”265″ height=”265″ /></a>
<a href=”http://stillbeingmolly.com/” target=”_blank”><img title=”yolomondays200x200lightpink” src=”http://stillbeingmolly.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/06/yolomondays200x200lightpink.jpg” alt=”” width=”200″ height=”200″ /></a>
That’s it! Simple as that. Why? CAUSE YOU ONLY LIVE ONCE – #YOLO.
xoxo, all for now!
I can’t wait to check out all your #YOLOMONDAYS linkups!
Love the story of your skirt. I need to get with it and download snap appy and visit old navy pronto! Thanks for the hot tip
I wanted to link up for yolo monday but it was giving me problems and would’t let me – your badge wasn’t showing up on my page : (
oh noes! let me know if you need any help – i sent you the code to try again…
omg $5! so cute!! you are really good at the fab finds for less.
Sea and Swank
thank you so much, susie! yeah! i love finding a good deal
That skirt is all kinds of adorable!!
thank you so much tiffany!
that skirt is so darling!
thank you so much, nancy! i love it too!
i’m stuck on this app thing…that sounds amazing!
i know, right? the APP is amazing!!
What a fun skirt! Love the chevron print and color! xo
thank you so much! it’s so bright and fun!
your outfit is so cute! i love the skirt it is very 4th of july appropriate!
thank you so much, meg!! you are too sweet, girl!!
You look adorable, this look would be so cute for the fourth!
thank you, erin! i’m TOTALLY wearing it tomorrow!!
Great deal and loving the chevron skirt!!
thanks, jen! you are so sweet!!
love your idea for yolo mondays! I’m your newest follower and I’ll be sure to link up! hope you can check mine out as well : )
thanks girl!! #YOLOMONDAYS are fun for everyone! LOL
love your blog, girl!!
Love this whole outfit – and look at you with your cute hair!!! I’m totally like you in that I never pay full price for something unless it’s really, really worth it – either I’m in super love or there is only one left and I’ll be bummed if I don’t get it. I often go on a “sale watch” and stalk something to see if it’s gone down, HA! And I also find what I deem to be a “deal” totally depends on what store I’m in.
thank you SO much, jamie! that’s so sweet of you to say cute hair – i, ironically, did nothing to it but throw it up! LOL
so glad you’re a deal hunter, too!!
I love this skirt! You look so super cute in. And I have to get that app! Thanks for sharing!
thank you SO much, lindsay! YES! get the old navy app it’s AWESOME. i hope you get a sweet deal!!
thanks, tamara!!
Great deal! I am right there with you girl!
I absolutely refuse to pay full price for anything.
In fact, if it is over $10, I am not buying.
Love the skirt – you look adorable in it!
SO true. i’m the SAME way. i’m kinda cheap but i like to call it “FRUGAL” sounds better. right??
Such a cute skirt, can’t believe it was only $5! Great find
thank you so much, rachel! it totally was. i was so pumped!! happy fourth, girl!
just downloaded that app! I LOVE old navy! and I have a very simliar skirt to that – $5 that is awesome!
YAYYYY! so glad you got the app! it’s the BEST!!!
Okay, I LOVE that skirt!!! Can I borrow??!!
girl. totally! if only you lived closer and we could closet share
I wish I had known….I bought the exact same skirt on Saturday for 19.50…tears! But it is so cute…thanks for the tip – I’ll be sure to use it next time!
oh noes!! but yes! get the app! there are a ton of great sales going on

SAY WHAT?!!? An Old Navy App? That’s genius! Downloading immediately so I can “snap” my way to a deal! Great job on finding another steal on clothes
i know, right?!?!?! yes! do it!! the old navy app is awesome. (and have SO MUCH FUN at convention!!!!!!)
loving that skirt. wowzers.
thanks, elise! happy fourth, girl!!
Hahaha I love YOLO Mondays! Also, what a great deal you on that dress. Amazing!

Girl! You look ready to go to a Clemson game
GO TIGERS! So I am saying you look fabulous in your orange and purple.
Also, the Green Mile was my first rated R movie that I saw with my parents at home. Really awesome movie.
lol it’s actually red. but we can totally pretend it’s orange. go tigers?!?! and yes. GREEN MILE IS SO GOOD. GAH!!!
I have that skirt!!! I got the red one last week and the light blue one a few weeks back (both for $15 though). They are super comfy and I get tons of compliments on em.
Great minds Molly… great minds.
YES! TWINS!!!!!! love it!! great minds!!
Love that skirt, I’ve been stalking it too!
I might be a little slow, but I can’t get the yolo button to work! Can you send me the code? I must be doing something wrong!
thanks, carly! glad you love it, too!!!
I LOVE that skirt on you. I can’t believe it was $5, what an awesome find! Um, how have I never known about this app… downloading immediately.
xo, Yi-chia
Always Maylee
i know, right?! did you get the app? it’s AWESOME. love old navy!!
Wow, $5 skirt? Score!
i know, right?! SCORE!!
Gah!!! I had no idea there was an old navy app! I’m going to have to download it right away! I had the Target app but I wasn’t really using it for anything…I need to be more proactive with coupons/couponing…esp for things I really want…like clothes haha.
I KNOW RIGHT?!?!?!?! it’s amazing. girl. you gotta check the target website for their printable coupons… they have SWEET deals on there.
LOVE your chevron skirt Molly – and way to go on getting it for $5….impressive
The Other Side of Gray
thanks, annie!! happy fourth, girl!!!