1. I knew I saved this link for a reason! We’re getting our engagement pictures taken tomorrow and I have no idea what to wear! This post has helped though! I love how you said that it was important for you to still look like yourself! I think that’s the hardest part for me, I want to look like me and not someone else! Thanks for the advice Molly!

  2. I love how you took pictures to share with friends before the big session! You had picked out some great outfits, but I think the one you ended up choosing is perfect! Coordinating but not being identical is very classy, and you can definitely see the love you two share in these photos!

  3. Hey Molly! I love your engagement photos! It must have been a blast to do the pictures at UNC! I loved your bright yellow pedi and your red cowboy boots in your two following posts as well. Thanks for partying with us! XO Courtney <3

  4. Your engagement photos came out so gorgeous and I LOVE the cute outfit you went with! I stressed over my engagement photo outfit too…I really wanted to wear a dress but we posed on my hubby’s Harley which meant I needed to be in pants.


    1. aww thank you so much, sharon!! i’m so glad i’m not alone with the outfit stress. that’s AWESOME you posed on a harley though! i’d love to see those pics!!!

  5. I love your e-photos so much. They are so “you” Also I can’t believe your hubby hates that first dress. I LOVE IT!! I want to buy one!

    1. clare thank you so much! you are seriously so sweet. i love how we both stalked each other’s pics so much! lol!! and i know i can’t believe he hates it either. sad town. lol!!

  6. These are amazingly cute! I would post them all over my house too 😉 LOVE IT! 🙂 I feel like it would be so stressful to choose your engagement photo outfits! I should probably start now… 😉 😉 😉 Just kidding I might freak out my boyfriend! 🙂

  7. We have our engagement pics with Katelyn Friday and I have been in “outfit” mode for weeks now! I think we finally have two outfits decided and now I’m just super excited for Friday to get here! Can’t wait…and loved to hear your experiences. Your pictures came out amazing!

  8. I LOVE your engagement pictures and I love the outfits you picked, you looked beautiful! I loved our engagement shoot too, but our photographer told us we HAD to wear the same colors, haha. Obviously that in my head meant I had to go shopping and buy new outfits for BOTH of us. 🙂

    xo, Yi-chia
    Always Maylee

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