Oh Hai, Friday!
You guys, Happy Friday! If you follow me on Instagram, you’ve probably seen some of these… but hey! It’s fun to relive the moments of the week!
- I love Mason Jars. And I love Diet Coke. Together? PERFECTION, my friends.
- So, my Chi flat iron broke about a year ago… and I have missed it so much ever since. So I saved up and finally bit the bullet and replaced it. AND I got a pink one! YAY FOR NO MORE FRIZZY HAIR! (Also, the CHI is on SALE right now for $100. Still not cheap but at least it’s not $150!)
- Kisses for mommy from my furry babies.
- Tater came inside with her face covered in dirt… I think she was up to something in our backyard… I’m just saying. She’s so good at playing the pity card, though.
- Last night, I had dinner with and finally met up with Brooke of What2Wear and Mia of Ms. Mia Maree! LOVEEEEE these two amazing women & bloggers! Seriously. SO excited about some ideas we’re cooking up!
On a separate, side note… thank you. thank you. thank you. to ALL of you for all of your amazing comments, emails, and messages about my post yesterday. I never, in a million years, could have anticipated the response that I got. I’m seriously blown away. Please, continue to send me your questions! And I’m doing my best to respond to ALL of your emails and comments ASAP… I PROMISE I will reply!
Also, I launched a “Money” section of the blog that is going to house my financial series (that SO MANY of you requested!) More info to come…
But seriously, know that I feel SO blessed and humbled by all of you. Thank you.
Linking up today with:

I can’t live without my diet coke! (cute necklace btw) and happy flat ironing! A good flat iron can be a life changing event.
oh and congrats on being debt free. What an amazing testimony!!! I hope you write a series about it the details of your journey.
thank you so much, priscila! you are so sweet. i am definitely planning on writing a series!!
Hey girl! Looks like you had a great week.
We were finally able to pay off our credit cards in 2008 which was what allowed us to start our family (All of my salary had been going to pay credit card debt!) and keep me home. We do not make much and make sacrifices in order for me to be home with our son, but we haven’t had a credit card in over five years! We do have debt now because my husband is currently unemployed and I had to have an emergency appendectomy right before Christmas. But God is faithful and we know that He will continue to provide. Whenever hubby is again employed, we have the tools and knowledge to once again be debt free. It is indeed one of the best feelings in the world. 
Congrats on being debt free! Awesome job!
hey cc! thank you SO much for your kind note and that is amazing! you guys have quite the testimony to God’s faithfulness!! you guys should be very proud of yourselves! thank you again
I have that flat iron! I love it! I haven’t used it in a long time (well a few months) but it has been around for a long time and has held up.
Fashion and Beauty Finds
they are SUCH good flat irons! I was SO bummed when my last one broke
I love that you can get the Chi in pink! Super adorable!
Your dogs are SO SO SO cute!!
thank you so much, amber! happy friday!
CONGRATS on being debt free (previous post…I know i am behind). That really is such a wonderful feeling. Good for you! Love your instagram pics. You are pretty much the most adorable girl ever.
lol no worries, emily. you’re right on schedule!
thank you SO SO SO SO SO much for your sweet note. you are awesome.
Actually…the Chi can be yours for $90…I clicked on the link you provided and then saw that there was a $10 off code if you enter “89776” and its free shipping for orders over $50. I mean, $10 isn’t much but if its originally $150…that’s $60 off the original price!!!
oh WHAAAAT. well. dang.
that puppy pity face is the best. what a cutie! and how fun is it to meet other bloggers? i hope your weekend is just as great as your week!
thanks, girl! it was a great week!! hope you have a FABULOUS weekend!!!!
Ugh I’ve been wanting a Chi iron forever, but it’s definitely not in the cards at the moment (good thing I hardly ever do my hair in the summer anyway – makes it easier to wait
Maybe a birthday wish list item…
yes!! put it on the birthday wish list! WAHOO!
I didn’t splurge on the Chi this time around and I’m hoping I don’t regret it. There were some for $100 at Target but I let myself be swayed by the Conair one instead. Fingers crossed.
Count me in as fan of your money series. I was always lucky to have financial guidance and so have been really fortunate not to face some of the hardships other people have due to the lack of financial education they received so I know it’s very, very important to keep talking about these things and sharing our stories. One time I even read that people are more comfortable talking to their kids about sex than they are talking about money. Scary!
ah you’ll have to let me know how the Conair one is…
and thank you so much for your support, kate!! that is SUPER scary. sometimes i shake my head at some parents…
i want a chi sooooo badly. i have convinced myself that i could have pinterst worthy hair if i owned one. just cant justify the purchase to even ask husband where it fits into our current budget. i guess ill have to wait another 6 months or so
your pups are too freaking cute! i dont think i have been able to go one h54f without adding a pic of my own.
haha Chi’s are SUPER magical. that’s why i saved up to get one again! they are on sale right now though!
hehehe thanks, elizabeth! happy friday!
GOODY! I’m excited to read more about your journey to becoming debt free!!!
thank you so much, danavee!
My Chi broke when I was in 9th grade…I was devastated. Ever since then I have been so sad not having one…the $20 straighteners just don’t cut it. Once you go Chi it’s hard not to compare everything else to one…I need to save some money and splurge on a new one, it’s soooo worth it! Looks like you had a great week, have a fantastic weekend girl!
SO true. once you go chi you’ll never go back… they’re on sale right now at ULTA for $100 even… still not cheap, but not $150!
Cute cute photos! Love your furry babies
Have a wonderful weekend Molly!!!!!
thank you so much, rachel! hope YOU have an awesome weekend!
Awesome! I’m looking forward to your money series!
thank you so much, girl! you are so sweet!
What a great week, Molly! I’m so excited to hear you got such a positive response on the debt-free post (I knew you would)! and I can’t wait for your money series to start! I can’t wait to find out what you’re cooking up with Mia and Brooke! I need to check out their blogs too
Happy Friday!!!
thank you so much, beth! you are so sweet. mia and brooke are AWESOME you should definitely check them out. they are good people!
hope you have a fabulous friday, beth!
i want to snuggle your dog. he is too cute.
i know right? tater is so good at putting on the pity face. have a great weekend, elise!!
I need to use mason jars more – they are cute and there are so many ideas of ways to use them! have a great weekend Molly! I’ve missed reading your blog this last week while I was gone!
awww thanks, katie! i missed “seeing” you on the interwebs, too!!
Ohhh I LOVE blogger meetups – y’all look so cute! And I agree – drinking anything out of a mason jar totally makes it taste better. Happy Friday Molly
The Other Side of Gray
it was SO fun! we thought of you because we went in to the new madewell store in the mall! we were like “Annie should be here!”
That picture of your dog is the cutest ever! I’ve been wanting to buy a Chi flat iron for ever! I think it’s about time I just spend the money and do it.
xo Jenny
thanks, jenny!! yeah i was so sad when my last Chi broke cause they aren’t cheap! but i finally bit the bullet and got a new one (and it was on sale! WOOP!)
Number 4 is my fave… seriously how can you be made at that face
Happy Friday girl!
thanks heather!! happy friday!
I need to start drinking dc out of a mason jar!!! And is it weird that I want to eat my cpk leftovers at 8:00 in the morning?!!! Can’t wait for the 16th!!!!
haha no not weird at all!!
you gotta do what you gotta do! you rock, brooke!
stopping by from Casual Friday. Your furry pets are the best and kisses are too!
have a good weekend.
thanks so much, kim! you rock!!