Heading Home
You guys, we have Internet again.
Also, for anyone who is curious… YES, starting my blog posts with the phrase, “You guys,” is, in fact, a thing.
We haven’t had access to Internet or wifi or anything for the last two days, and now we are back in Nairobi heading to the airport to begin our long journey home.
This trip has been defining for me, for my husband, for our marriage. I’m still working a whole lot of emotions, ideas, wishes, hopes, dreams out through prayer – and probably will be for a long time. I’m sure I’ll be hashing it out on this here blog over the coming months.
And I’ll of course be sharing more photos and stories. I’m in a bit of a time crunch now and can’t share too much, but I did, in fact, want to update you guys and let you know that we are doing well. We, being the Newhope team.
It really has been an amazing trip this yer and I feel so blessed right now. God is pretty awesome.
I miss you all back home and look forward to hearing and reading what I’ve missed while I’ve been gone.
*Nyawira is my Kenyan name given to me by the village meaning “the woman who works very hard”
awe this is such a great thing to do, now I am gonna go read the rest of the posts!
thank you so much <3 <3
Safe travels home! Can’t wait to see more pictures from your trip, what an amazing experience it must’ve been!
thank you so much, marissa! we made it home safely <3
I think that names fits you well. : ) I’m sure a trip like this takes lots of time to process! So excited to see more pictures and hear more about it! have a safe trip home!!
aw thank you, katie! <3
Safe travels and I’m so glad that you had this experience and can take so much away from it.
thank you so much, shawn!
I am so glad you’ve had such a memorable and life-changing adventure. And what an amazing privilege to be given such a name. You have surely earned, Molly! ~Sarah
thank you so much, sarah!
Have a safe trip home!
xo, Yi-chia
Always Maylee
thanks, yi-chia! we are home safe and sound!
Praying for you guys to have a safe flight!
thanks, lewis! we are home safe and sound!
Safe travels! You certainly earned your Kenyan name.
thank you so much, lauren! <3
Hope y’all make it home safely – you look positively gorgeous in these pics – all lit up from the inside! Can’t wait to hear all about it soon…
thank you so much, hallie. <3 lunch soon!
Have a safe trip home!
thank you so much, allyssa! <3 we are home safely!!
Molly, safe travels dear friend! It sounds like this trip was absolutely life changing and I can’t wait to read more about it in the coming days/weeks!
thank you so much, bonnie! <3