A Kenyan Nail Painting Party + #YOLOmondays Link-Up
You guys, we are back in the United States of America. We got back late on Saturday and we have spent, or I really should say, I have spent the last day and a half in a funk and totally jet lagged. My husband doesn’t get affected by jet lag too much. I am jealous of him.
I’m beginning to start the process of adjusting back to “real life” – you know, work, blogging, driving a car, etc. It definitely feels weird. I remember it took a while to get back into the swing of things last year. But, life always finds a way to straighten itself out again.
In the meantime, while I’m getting myself in order, I thought I’d share a little about one of my favorite moments of our trip.
Don’t worry, y’all… outfit posts are back in action starting tomorrow!
I touched on this a little in a post last week, but wanted to share some more photos.
On our last official day in the village, the women on our team had the opportunity, nay, the privilege to paint the women’s nails.
This is a tradition that our team has done every year, but this year it was the most fun I’ve ever had. We took about 25 of the women in the village, we brought them in a classroom, and we created a little “nail salon” for them.
Not only is it awesome to just get the chance to love and serve these women, but it’s AMAZING to see how they TOTALLY come out of their shells.
Kenyan women are STRONG women. These women work, raise children, find ways to feel their families… the whole nine yards. The whole week you see the women working hard with a serious look on their faces (most of the time).
But, you get these women alone in a classroom with some nail polish and cameras, and they turn into GIRLS.
Seriously. They were LAUGHING and having a blast. The women even started talking about their husbands. And the single women? Joked how they might find husbands now!
It was like a bunch of girlfriends hanging out at a beauty parlor.
To get to see them relax and not have to think about work or all the stress in their lives, and just BE WOMEN, was such an honor. I felt SO privileged to be able to join the other women on our team and do this.
It seems so small – something like painting nails – something we women, girls, take for granted. But to these women, it was the time of their lives. They’ll literally be talking about it for weeks, months, even until we go back next year.
They love the bright nail colors and they LOVEEEEE glitter. Every woman wanted glitter on her nails… or a design. But since I have NO idea how to paint a design, I opted for glitter.
So, I painted a few of the women’s nails, and all of a sudden, they wanted to paint mine! So, of course I let them.
Mary, Anacstasia’s mother, painted mine first – and she was GLOBBING the paint on. It was hilarious. I showed her how to smooth the paint out a little.
My nails still looked (and still do) pretty jacked up… but it was so much fun and I felt so honored, I really didn’t care.
Me and Mary after I painted her nails.
Milkah, the nursery school teacher, after I painted her nails.
Some women even opted for pedicures!
Then, the women got SASSY! They started posing and vogue-ing. It was so funny.
It was honestly the most fun I’ve had in such a long time. And it was just another reason why I love serving in this community – getting the opportunity to not only serve alongside them, but also get to just have FUN with them. And be WOMEN.
It doesn’t matter what country your from, what culture you’re a part of – women are WOMEN – and sometimes, we just want to feel LOVED and BEAUTIFUL.
And that’s what we did. We made those women feel LOVED and BEAUTIFUL.
Anyway. I want to thank all of you for your love and support over the last 10 days. You really have no idea how much your comments, emails, prayers, and encouragement meant to me and our team.
Happy Monday, y’all.
Back to our regularly scheduled programming tomorrow.
It’s NOW time for the #YOLOmondays LINK-UP with my awesome co-host Carly from Lipgloss & Crayons! This is such a great way to get to know other bloggers! Love seeing y’all linked up every week.
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(code is available in the sidebar, or you can just right-click and save the above button) The Rules for #YOLOMONDAYS Link-Ups:
- Grab a button and / or post a link back here in your BLOG POST (NOT your blog’s main page) so your readers know what all the #YOLOMONDAY-ness is about. We love you guys linking up and we do go through and read all your posts… so if you do not give credit, we will have to remove your link. That’s no fun, right? Right. So be nice and share a link!
Pretty please?
- Link your blog post up using the linky tool below! It can be ANYTHING! An outfit post, a giveaway, a story, a recipe, whatever. Why? Cause it’s #YOLOMONDAYS!
- Visit a blog or four that you’ve never been to before and leave a #YOLOMONDAYS comment – you never know, you might “meet” someone new that you will lurve!
- Have fun! Cause #YOLO!
Amazing work Done Molly
thank you so much!
Molly this truly is so amazing and thoughtful. These women will remember you for the rest of their lives-all because you made them look and feel beautiful. What an awesome soul you are!
aw thank you SO much, miss rockwell!
Looks like a cool trip. I want to go to Africa one day. I have friends in South Africa.
Hi Molly, I appreciate your kindness and a good heart to that kind of people. They are truly very ignorant when it comes to that kind of thing. By the way you’re such a good person and I really appreciate that. Keep it up!
thank you, maris!
This is the most amazing post ever. It’s amazing how something so simple can end up being the most wonderful experience. I am so glad you are back home but I loved reading your posts while you were gone. You made me reminisce (when I was in college I worked at two newspapers in South Africa). I could relate to a lot of what you were talking about in this post especially with respect to the women. They truly are amazing individuals. Hope you adjust back to life okay!
aw thank you, lindsay!!! <3 <3 <3 thank you so much!
This looks like so much fun! I do my nails so often that it doesn’t seem like a big deal…it’s nice to see this and gain some perspective. I’m so glad you took the opportunity to help them be pampered!
Jess – J’s Style
amen to that! thank you so much, jess!!
So, so amazing – what an incredible experience this must have been! Your photos of all the women are so beautiful – you can really feel their strength coming through the pictures.
Sea and Swank
thank you so much, susie. i love these pictures, too <3
I love the sassy pictures! The women are adorable and you can tell they were having a blast!
hahaha it was awesome! thanks, allyssa!
Hello there…I wish I could recall just HOW I happened upon your blog? W click here…another there…and here you are. Your site is so welcoming and I was thrilled to be a part of your link-up. Such an experience you had…thank you for sharing these fantastic pictures with these beautiful ladies! I look forward to getting to know you better. Enjoy…
wow thank you so much, donna. <3 <3
Molly, I just wanted to thank you so much for sharing so much of your trip with us. It was such a blessing to be able to see what y’all were doing and be able to really pray for y’all.

Your nail party sounds like so much fun! What a fun way to serve women who I know don’t get served very often.
I hope and pray you get to feeling better soon. I know real life can feel like a bit of a letdown after such a mountaintop experience. I pray that God will keep the joy of your experience close to your heart and mind in the coming weeks.
thank YOU so much for reading, cc. it means to much to know that people were praying for us!
I really need to learn by now to grab the tissue box before I read these posts. *SNIFF* This is such a beautiful scene! How amazing to give these women the gift of fun and femininity, Molly. Their lives are probably so serious all the time, so much about work and survival, how special to give them an hour just to be girls!!! Such a good reminder for us over here, as we’re battling our petty first world problems, that all it takes to bring a smile to a Kenyan woman’s face is a little glitter…
haha awwww i’m sorry i made you tear
but thank you for your sweet note, sarah. it was amazing. <3
Welcome back Molly! I’m so glad you had such an amazing time, and I’ve loved seeing your photos. These are wonderful photos also. It’s funny how nail polish can make any woman feel pretty!
xo Jenny
SO TRUE! thank you SO much, jenny!!
Welcome back, Molly! This is SO sweet that you guys set up a little nail salon for them. It’s clear from the photos how much fun they were having and how much they appreciated it! I love that the one woman painted yours too. What a beautiful memory you made for them!
The Tiny Heart
Win a chain link necklace + Chanel print!
thank you so much, sharon!! it feels good to be home. <3
First off – welcome back friend!!
Second – this has got to me one of my favorite posts of yours! I just got the biggest smile on my face seeing those pictures. It’s funny…I typically think of painting my nails as a chore. I suck at it and I am inpatient so I always rush through it. This is a great reminder to slow down and appreciate it for several reasons – ability, access, and self-investment. This women (and you!) are an inspiration
Welcome home girl!
XO – Marion
thank you so much, marion! it’s good to be home. and thank you again so much for the encouragement. and i felt the same way – painting my nails can be such a chore but it was just MAGIC to these women. love it <3 love you!
First, I have to say that am sad I never came across your blog before!I just found it and am almost in tears. Am from Kenya, born and still living there so I understand your story.
I just wish I knew you before. You are so encouraging and uplifting and am happy that you adopted that village. Looks like you had so much fun.
Am so happy and proud of you even when I don’t know you!God bless you!
oh wow – thank you, millie. you are wonderful. Kenya is an amazing country!! where in kenya do you live?!
I live in Thika, a town a few kilometres from Nairobi but not on the same side as the Nakuru highway. Kenya is really an amazing country!
That’s amazing! I JUST got back from there – we stayed in Naivasha but we worked in a little village called Kiria in North Kinangop. Do you know where that is?
I know Naivasha and I’ve been there several times but never to North Kinangop.
I just love reading these posts! This is so fun – it’s amazing how, like you said, something as simple as painting nails can transform a strong independent woman into a girl again
Thanks for sharing the pictures and for sharing your experiences…you have such an amazing outlook on life and it’s so wonderful to see someone so dedicated to helping others Molly!
you are the best. thank you stephanie!
I think that is my favorite post, it has so much meaning to me. Thanks for all you did Molly. You’re a true role model.
marissa you are amazing – thank you so much for your encouragement, girl! miss you! let’s do lunch or something soon!!!
I love that you gave these ladies a day of pampering, and time to just be girls. Looks amazing. Welcome back to the US. Good luck getting acclimated girl.
thank you so much, meredith!! it was so fun <3
The more glitter the better, in my opinion! They look SO happy and seem like they just really enjoyed this. You are amazing Molly!
xo, Yi-chia
Always Maylee
thank you SO much, yi-chia! <3 YOU are amazing!
Just amazing Molly
Really brought a smile (and maybe a little tear) to my face
Welcome home!
aw love you, lauren! <3 hope you're doing well. let's get together soon!
Welcome back, Molly! These pictures are so sweet! It was amazing to see how you bonded with these women and how a simple ‘nail session’ got you all together chatting and having a great time, no matter where each person is from. I really enjoyed reading about your trip! Have a great week, dear!
thank you so much, jenny! it’s good to be home
What a cool post! Thank you for sharing your trip! I have been busy and haven’t stopped by for awhile, but I remember how you were saying you wanted to go and am glad you were able to do so. I’ve only read a few of your posts from your trip, but am definitely going to check them all out. Happy Monday
totally understand! thank you so much for reading, alexia! hope you’re doing well <3
*Looking at you with a proud heart*
This trip was so amazing for me to watch – I loved that you shared this – it touched me so much – and alot of it reminded me of my own country (DR). Trully amazing – you did a fantastic job and I know God is looking out with with a proud heart!!
thank you so much. you have no idea how much that means to me <3
This is a beautiful story, Molly! It reminds me of Jesus washing the disciples feet. Thank you for blessing others!
it made me think the same thing <3 i love it. thank YOU for the encouragement, beth!
This makes my heart smile.
Love it, and thanks for sharing this special moment!
– Heather
anytime! thank you for reading, heather!
Aww I just love this – their smiles are inspiring
thank you so much, heather!
Molly, what a sweet, special time you had with these ladies! Thank you so much for sharing these pictures and your experiences with us. When I get a break today I’m going to sit down and take a while to read all your Kenya posts uninterrupted.
thank you so much, bonnie!