1. LOL! Love that first picture of you in the robe! And I love traveling by train, too! Awesome post girl, I’m glad you guys had such a great time!

  2. These photos are fabulous! It looks like an awesome weekend Molly! I promise I’m going to link up one of these Mondays. Every Monday I’m upset that I missed it again.

  3. I love trains too! I’ve only taken one into NYC though. I’d love to actually ride on one through the country. That would be amazing.

    Such a gorgeous wedding! Looks like you had a great time!

  4. So much fun! You’re hair looked AMAZING! I may or may not have heard a clip of you singing at the wedding….ummmm what DON’T you do?!! Such a gorgeous voice!

  5. Great pictures! I like your leopard print shoes 🙂 Can’t wait to try your sock-bun trick…I have yet to master it (although I’ve only tried twice). Hopefully I can make it work because it’s such and effortless, elegant look. Happy Monday!

  6. Hey there Molly! I just came across your blog via another blog hop and then discovered YOUR blog hop! So glad I found you! Just wanted to introduce myself and wish you a Happy Monday!
    take care!


  7. How awesome that you took the train up to Leesburg – I never take the train but I feel like there’s something so COOL about traveling by train!
    Looks like such a fun weekend – love weddings with old friends.

    Sea and Swank

  8. This looks like such an amazing wedding – your photos are sooo beautiful! I love your hair! And I love the random lady with the election sign! lol

  9. What a small world – I recognize that wedding venue 😉 My husband and I got married there, on this exact same weekend last year! It’s a fantastic location. Looks like the wedding you were at was as much fun as ours! 🙂

  10. These photos are awesome Molly. Looks like a beautiful wedding and so much fun. I looooooooovvvvvvvvvve the photo of your head surrounded by all the bridesmaids’ bouqets. =)

    Stop by when you have a moment. Thanks, Ada. =)

  11. holy moly this looks like a FABulous weekend! I love weddings and getting to be SUPER silly & girlie with my girlfriends who have shared all my best stories! The bride (and YOU) were stunning!
    Coming back for some YOLO action tomorrow!

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