Sentimental Pieces & New Traditions
I. Love. Christmas.
Seriously. It’s my favorite time of year. No, really. It is.
Husband and I spent Thanksgiving day with my family at my sister’s house and then headed to Newton to spend time with his parents. It was an awesome couple of days with family.
But today, we got to do what I’ve been looking forward to all, well, year! WE WENT TO GET OUR CHRISTMAS TREE!!
John and I got home from Newton and then headed to Smith’s Christmas Tree Farm in Hillsborough. The family that owns it has been doing it for years and it’s awesome to support a local family business AND get our tree at the same time!
Now, it’s not just the process of getting the tree I love, it’s the decorating and looking at all the sentimental pieces we’ve both individually collected over the years.
Sure, some people like trees with “themes” and “matching ornaments” and they’re almost like “couture home decor” when they’re all said and done. And those are fine.
But me? No way. I want a tree full of mismatching ornaments – big and small – that have a story behind them.
Like my SWEET Beauty & The Beast Ornament from Christmas 1992? I think YES!
And my LOVE for Marvin the Martian in 7th grade (that holds an incredibly embarrassing school photo of me)? YES. A beautiful Nativity ornament that John’s parents gave me the first year we were dating? Of course.
A chance to display years and years of White House Christmas ornaments? Done.
An ornament symbolizing our marriage right next to an ornament with a picture of us on our first Christmas? Perfect.
And then of course we have to have a Nativity scene in our living room to remind us what Christmas is all about!
And our first stockings!
To me, those are just some of the little things I love about Christmas. Especially Christmas as a newlywed.
Do you have a tree with matching ornaments or are you like me and you love the personality of every ornament on that tree?
Happy Saturday!
I love this!! Our tree is the same way – a mish mash of ornaments collected over my entire life that each mean something! My hubby is Hindu, but loves being a part of Christmas, so since we’ve been together we’ve been collecting ornaments that are OURS!
that’s awesome!! that just means that it means that much more to you!
agreed. I love ornaments with a story! Especially the ones my mom would buy me over the years, there is a Cabbage Patch Kids angel, a little fishing lady (from the 1st time my dad took me fishing) and so many other great ones! I can’t wait to get our tree this coming weekend ;0
i LOVE that!! see?! that’s seriously so great!
I also do mismatched ornaments! For now, since my husband and I rent a very small house, I do two small trees (one for me, one for him). He’s a hunter and a fisherman so I have decorated his tree in those styles. Mine has Barbie, Lilly Pulitzer, cupcakes, etc. on it. Someday I’ll combine it all on a big tree.
i LOVE that! that’s awesome!! trees that reflect your personalities – what a great idea
First off, you look GORGEOUS in that first photo. I love trees that look couture, but I don’t have the heart to not put out all the ornaments that mean something. My mom gave me the ornament from my VERYFIRSTCHRISTMASEVER and how do I not put that out, plus ones from college, and ones that we’ve bought over our years dating and it just makes me love my tree. I cant wait to put it up…eventually.
thank you so much, terri!! i am the same way – the couture trees look great, but they don’t tell a story
Mine are mixmatched! To me, that is what ornaments are all about, memories.
you are so right!! trees with memories are that much more special
I’m so happy that you had a lovely Thanksgiving, it’s always so fun to spend time with family. And I love your tree decorating style, we do the same thing, lots of mis-matched items but all special. (Although, those perfectly decorated trees are always so pretty. The family I stayed with partly through collage did that and they’re tree was always stunning and it was always fun to put up.) Your tree is so sweet, we haven’t gotten ours up yet but one of these days!
agreed – it’s all special <3 i hope you get your tree soon!
CHRISTMAS IS MY FAVORITE TOO. and i mean it. haha. i am so glad you love the season! enjoy and soak it up. share that love – so many people need it.
thank you so much, beth! and you are so right <3
LOVE the hair and LOVE the tree, we still need to get ours!
thank you so much, carly <3
I love the mismatched tree! That is what the Christmas tree is all about, memories! My favorite is my NSYNC ornament from 2000. I still hit play every time I walk by the tree
amen! and an NSYNC ornament?! AWESOME!! i need one of those. I LOVEEEEEEEE NSYNC. seriously. awesome.
Our tree is a mish-mash of our childhood ornaments, too. And when we started dating we started the tradition of picking up an ornament everywhere we visited together so its always fun to pull those out as we decorate each year.
yes! i LOVE that!!
I your tree and the fact that it has a story. I like a tree that represents who I am. The ornaments on my little tree match only because it was given to me as a birthday gift already decked out with the ornaments. Some day I hope to have a bigger tree with a story.
amen to that!! i LOVE that! a much deeper meaning to a tree
This makes me miss getting a real tree- we’ve used a fake one the past four or so years. We actually have Christmas trees growing in my backyard, but they’re now too tall to fit in our house!
hahaha it could be like the Grizzwold tree!!
The second year my boyfriend (now Husband) and I celebrating Christmas together, Hallmark came out with a “Mischievous Cats” ornament. It’s a series that is still running. Each year I get the new ornament- #13 this year. It’s the easiest way to keep up with how long we’ve been together- just add a year to the ornaments. And it’s the sweetest reminder of our life together and how sentimental he is <3
i LOVE that!! see?! that’s what it’s all about!
I would love a tree with coordinated ornaments. However since most of our stuff is almost 14 years old and was purchased back when we were newlyweds (and poor) and coordinated trees weren’t nearly as accessable back then what I have is not coordinated. But still lovely and filling up with memories thanks to our little guy.

We are looking forward to getting our decorations up this weekend.
see i think the memories make the tree
but that’s just my opinion <3