Casual Friday
[Ombre Lace Tee: Madewell (on sale!) | Jacket: Old Navy | Necklace: c/o Caroline G. | Jeans: 74AM | Watch: Target | Bracelets:Kenya, InPink, and GroopDealz]
My office doesn’t have a dress code, really. So technically, every day is casual Friday for me. But, if I were to work in a more formal-dress office setting and casual Fridays were my only chance to, let loose, if you will, this is what I’d wear.
Honestly, I LOVE dressing up. I LOVE putting together fun outfits. It is honestly one of my favorite things to do is put together a creative look. But this look right here? This is where it’s at. 10+ year-old jeans, a comfy top, a jean jacket, and statement jewelry. Boom.
Anyway, I thought, being that it’s casual Friday and all, I’d answer a few FAQs. Because why not?
- Where do you live?I live in Hillsborough, NC. It’s a country little town and I love it.
- Who takes your pictures for you? 99.9% of the time, that’s me. With a tripod. And a totally convoluted method of getting myself in focus and snapping the photo. It’s totally not glamorous. In fact, it’s quite hilarious most of the time. Other times my friend Brooke will snap an outfit of me when I’m taking her outfit photos.
- When do you take your outfit photos? Since it’s dark in the afternoon now when I get off work, I either try and take them before work or, more often than not (because I am NOT a morning person) I take them on the weekend – but I recreate what I wore during the week. Because I’m OCD like that. So yes, everything you see me wear on this blog is something I wore in real life for a whole day.
- What kind of camera do you use? My camera BODY is an old Nikon D40 which I use to shoot in manual. I have an amazing 35mm/1.4 lens on it and that’s what really matters. I’m hoping to upgrade my camera body this year after I’ve saved some money for one. But honestly, it’s all in how you use the camera.
- What do you do for a living? Like, what’s your job? I am the “Director of Marketing and Business Development” for a trade publication in the commercial audio/visual (AV) industry.
- And yeah, what is that? Basically, I work for a digital media / news organization where we only write and cover news in the audio/visual industry. It’s a lot of cool technology and a lot of geeky stuff – my husband doesn’t really understand what I do. And that’s fine with me.
- Where did you go to college? I went to Christopher Newport University (Go Captains!) in Newport News, VA – it’s a public, liberal arts school and it was the BEST.
- But I thought you loved the Tar Heels? I do. A whole bunch. My husband went to UNC Chapel Hill and after moving here, you basically have to pick a side… UNC or Duke. And I chose UNC. NC State doesn’t count.
- Where did you grow up? A town outside of Washington D.C. called Herndon, VA. I’ll be honest, I don’t miss living there – the only thing I do miss is The Tortilla Factory – only the best Mexican restaurant ever.
- Do you have any siblings? I have one sister and her name is Bridgid and she is the best. You may hear me mention other “sisters” – well, that’s cause I’m a PHI MU and dang proud of it.
Anyway. Those are just a few of the FAQs I get on a regular basis – I’ll be sure to share more soon!
In the meantime, tell me something I don’t know about you! What’s a question YOU get asked all the time?
linking up today with two thirty five designs.
NC State doesn’t count?!?! Them be fightin’ words!!! :-p
The Tortilla Factory CLOSED!
I went to school with the owner’s daughter and so I caught wind of it on FB this year. SADDEST. STORY. EVER! We loved it and they even catered our Project Grad party!
In other news, the question I get asked most frequently is: “Has anyone ever told you you like look Reese Whitherspoon?”
The answer? Yes. Tons. It’s a great compliment!
I know!
I was SO SAD when I heard. I was on my honeymoon when I found out they closed. WORST NEWS EVER!
This shirt is so many fantastic trends in one- like lace and ombre… LOVE!
Love the look! Love the jean jacket! In my opinion they are a must have for every closet!
I liked reading about your FAQ’s, I wonder if I should do one like that…..
The MOST asked question I get is “How do you pronounce that????” For my business name, salon & jewelry, Litva’s, which is my maiden name (Litva, I’m Croatian-Canadian)
My response is “Exactly as it’s spelled…LIT–VA…..LITVA!”
I love how your necklace plays into the ombre gradient of your top – I see what you did there, and I like it!
So fun to read the FAQ’s and learn a little more about you! One question I am emailed/asked in person A LOT is, “So, like, what ARE you? Where are you from?” Um… I think they mean what nationality am I. So after I deduce that, I tell them I second generation American -descended from Spanish, Italian and Welsh. And “Martian” might get thrown in if I am feeling snarky.
Love this look, Molly!
I love that ombre top! So gorgeous. And that necklace is stunning as well.
Love the outfit. So freakin’ cute. I also thank you for sharing some more facts about you, which probably sounds weird. Anyway, thank you just the same. It is nice to know things about someone you read all the time.
Usually the things I get asked all the time are: 1) You like country music? 2) Do you ride horses? 3) Do you own a horse? 4) You like bullriding? 5) You wear cowboy boots?
1) Yes, love country (and rock). It is country 95% of the time and rock the other 5%, but this can vary depending on my mood. 2 & 3) Yes, I ride and care for horses as well as teach riding lessons sometimes, but no I do not own a horse of my own. Hopefully some day that will change. 4) yes, bullriding. Love bulls and I love cowboys so what better way to combine them than bullriding
5) Yes, yes I do. They are kind of clothes to me, you don’t leave the house without them unless there is just no way to fit them into your wardrobe for that day.
I am an Oklahoma girl so these things were kind of inevitable in my opinion, but it still floors most of the people I meet and it takes them a few minutes to compute. The whole do not judge a book by its cover kind of thing, but anyway those are the most popular questions that I get asked.
girl. you know i love those cowboy boots. wear em!!
Molly – I love this little FAQ!!! I am always completely fascinated by how other bloggers do their “bloggy stuff” – how they take their pictures, what camera they use, whether they take pictures daily or in a batch – loved reading yours!!!
Also – this outfit is adorable I love that top and the white jean jacket pulls everything together perfectly! Your style is comfortable yet super put-together!
thanks, jamie!!!
Love the outfit! Those jeans look great on you!
I love that you did this Q&A! Your job sounds very cool (and I love that every day is Casual Friday)! I lived in Arlington, VA until I was 5, and then the MD side of DC until I was 10! And that is amazing that you take all of your photos with a tripod!!! I would have never guessed! You have talent girl! I’ve tried to do it before and the whole focus thing was a big fail!
In lurve with that ombre tee! I frequently get asked if my eyes are real or contacts. I remember being 8 and a lady asked if I had on contacts which at 8 I didn’t even know what contacts were!! Now people ask me if my son’s eyes are real and he is only 2! Sometimes I want to say no, they’re fake!! COME ON PEOPLE!!
Happy weekend friend!
Lovely outfit. The jeans look really good on you. Nice fit
K at
Cute! Love your jewelry and the different shades in your top
Loving the ombre lace top, Molly! I had no idea that you went to CNU. I went to William and Mary! We were practically neighbors.
What!?!? small world!!
Loving the little ombre number. Super CUTE!!! And I didn’t realize you take your own pictures…girl, you rock it with the camera. I thought your husband took them. I am impressed! It was fun reading more about your life. Thanks for sharing and have a great weekend.
Super cute Molly, Love the Ombre tee! And how ’bout them Browns!?!? 2 in a row- What!?!?
Your outfits never fail to be lovely, Molly…this ombre top is one of my favorites! Loved learning more about you, too
The Glossy Life
Molly, what a lovely combination of trends; ombré and lace! Who would’ve thought!
Love your arm party too!
x x
I love this casual look Molly! I especially love your arm party!
My office is casual too. Although, we just got a new director who states were are the worst-dressed agency in the country! ( I work for the government). So starting Jan 1, no more casual attire! Nooo! Oh well, more reason to shop, right?
Something you may not know about me is that my mom is Korean, and I could eat rice everyday. LOL
Go Heels!
Love your casual outfit and that cute ombre top! Loved getting to know you better!
xo, Yi-chia
Always Maylee
Hi Molly!
I love your ombre top and your necklace! Looking stylish! I found your blog a couple days ago, and I am so glad I did! Definitely will become a daily read. If you have a chance I would love for you to check out my blog at Appreciate it!
Happy Friday!
Rachel Ashley
I saw this pic on instagram and swooned. LOVE that top and the necklace couldn’t be more perfect!
Pearls & Paws
Love that ombre shirt and those questions were fun! I always enjoy getting to know more about the people behind the blogs
With Luck
The best casual I have seen – you can totally rock that at night!! and I would have never guessed you take your own pics!! love it – gives me an idea for whem my kids are just so lazy they dont want to…lol
Love the ombre top! And the FAQ was fun
An ombré lace tee? Yes and yes! And I’m not sure if I told you this but I was a Criminology major in school….yea. Haha can’t wait to see you this afternoon!
Brooke @ what2wear
My office is casual everyday, too, but sometimes I miss getting all dressed up. One question I get asked on my blog all the time is about how I get my hair to grow/curl/look the way it does
I wish I could take pictures of myself with just using a tripod. You’ve got some skill!
Molly — been reading this blog for a while and no idea you grew up in Northern VA! I live in Chantilly
And just so you know, the Tortilla Factory in Herndon closed, so you’re not missing anything anymore! 
thanks for your comment, erin!! what a small world! and yes – i know the Factory closed
i was so sad when i found out. crushed, even!!
And here I was, only a few keystrokes away from randomly asking you what you do at your job, Molly. Lol. Anyway, one question I get asked a lot (three times this week-two of them at work) is why I paint my fingernails black (even when it doesn’t match my clothes). I figure, after a year or so, I owe you and the rest of Newhope an explanation. Haha. Well, a little over three years ago, I made some serious mistakes and I felt like my hands were absolutely tainted and unworthy of ever playing an instrument again. The guilt of it still sometimes haunts me to this day. Anyway, after dressing up as a goth for Halloween and painting my fingernails for the heck of it, I stared at the container of nail polish one day and decided to put it to better use. From then on, I’ve used it as a reminder to myself that even though I’ve used my hands to commit sins in the past, God can still use them to glorify Himself. The black nail polish completely covers my fingernails just like Christ’s blood completely covers my sin.
wow, Jason. that is amazing. what a powerful message!!