Lime + Leopard + #YOLOmondays Link-Up!
there’s still time to enter my February group giveaway! check it out here.
{{Cardigan: Target (similar on sale!)
{{Tank: H&M (similar)
{{Lime Jeans: Target
{{Flats: Target
{{Belt: Target
{{Jacket: LOFT
Do you consider yourself a risk taker? In life? In fashion? In relationships? In work? In school? In general? Do you take risks? Or do you play it safe?
This is something I’ve been thinking a lot about recently. In so many ways my life is not how I thought it would be or pictured it would be five years ago. Meaning, if you had asked me five years ago that I’d be married and pregnant and living in North Carolina, I would have thought you were on something. But I absolutely LOVE my life and wouldn’t change anything about it for the world.
And in a lot of ways, I am where I am now because I took risks. Now, I could have been somewhere totally different if I had took different risks, but I didn’t. And I’m here. And I’m happy.
But that makes me think about my own future. What other risks am I afraid of taking that are right in front of me? There are things I want to do that, quite honestly, I’m a little afraid to step out and just try.
Failure. I’m terrified of failing.
But, if I fail, I want to fail big. Or something. I don’t want to kind of fail.
Do you know what I mean? Is this way too vague and existential for a Monday? I dunno. It’s something we’ve been talking about at church a lot recently and it’s just gotten my wheels spinning in my brain.
Do great risks equal great rewards?
What do you think?
AND YAY! Starting today, Carly and I will be selecting a few of our favorite posts from the Monday before to feature! It’s a great way to put the spotlight on a few of y’all each week!
Here are our favs from last week:

- Follow your hosts Molly @ still being [molly] and Carly at Lipgloss & Crayons
- Grab a button and / or post a link back here in your BLOG POST (NOT your blog’s main page) so your readers know what all the #YOLOMONDAY-ness is about. We love you guys linking up and we do go through and read all your posts… so if you do not give credit, we will have to remove your link. That’s no fun, right? Right. So be nice and share a link! Pretty please?
- Link your blog post up using the linky tool below! It can be ANYTHING! An outfit post, a giveaway, a story, a recipe, whatever. Why? Cause it’s #YOLOMONDAYS!
- Visit a blog or four that you’ve never been to before and leave a #YOLOMONDAYS comment – you never know, you might “meet” someone new that you will lurve!
- Have fun! Cause #YOLO!
I totally agree that with great risk comes great reward – but I tend to not take so many risks – at least not things that I personally think of risks. Maybe I take them in clothing moreso than in other areas of my life!
I love the color combo you’ve got going on here – the muted yellow with burgundy and leopard is great together!!
i totally know what you mean. thank you so much, jamie!
Leopard is my FAVORITE!!! This outfit is DA BOMB on you!
About risks…I think we takes risks without even knowing it sometimes..but the big ones…the ones where you can fall flat on your face? Those are the best ones! God has a plan for each of us and He will always guide you to where you need to be
thank you so much, sandra!
<3 He is so good!!
I love the lime green! And your little bump!!! I totally know what you mean. I am a dreamer and my husband is always teasing me about whatever wild idea I’ve come up with (“whyyyy did I marry a dreamer!”) BUT when it comes to taking risks, I take my sweet time, analyze the poo out of it, and take it really slow. Totally fear of failing. Like my boutique – still not online yet, but when it’s up Im going to be 100% comfortable with it and have an exact game plan for (hopefully) any possibility!
thank you so much, niki!! i am the SAMEEEEEEE WAY. i always have to take my time!
Thanks for hosting! Have a great week!
thank you for reading, dru!
I would say that I am a calculated risk taker, I don’t take risks for no reason, but if one comes along that sounds promising, I jump on board. Moving to Nashville. Adopting a dog. Dating a super cute boy from Oregon (ok, maybe that one wasn’t risky, but I’m glad I took that fork in the road nonetheless!)
Love your lime + leopard hottttt mama! And the new YOLO Monday Spotlight is so FUN!
i TOTALLY know what you mean, jessica!! and thank you so much for the encouragement!
Ok, first off… your bump is darling
You are such a cute pregnant woman! And I would never have thought to pair leopard and lime together but it works so well!
thank you so much, megan!
We are almost outfit twins today! We both did bright jeans and double leopard! XO
awww yay! twins!
Totally loving the animal prints! I’m definitely a risk taker, if you don’t take the risk you will always wonder “what if”. I don’t think I’ve ever regretted taking a risk, no matter what you learn something from the outcome, good or bad, and grow as a person because of it.
thank you so much, alissa!!
My philosophy is if you don’t try you will NEVER know. And I think the NOT knowing is what would kill me more than the actual failure. You do take risks….every day by posting on your blog.
And look how successful you have become. 
AMEN, shanna! my thoughts exactly.
and thank you so much for the encouragement. you have no idea how much it means to me.
I think it is better to have tried and failed than to have spent your whole life wondering what if? I think sometimes what may seem like a failure at the time is actually part of a sequence of events that is aligning you on the right tracks. Take my life at the moment, my husband and i have lost out business and home, yet we are excited (and a little scared) about where are future is going to take us next and what project we will tackle head on. We are happy and healthier now and we can say we tried it. ultimately the business did fail, but wow, we had 6 wonderful years working together and we are stronger than ever and learnt so very much. In every failure there are lessons to be learnt, so perhaps nothings ever really a failure.
Ok so the serious stuff over, you look wonderful Molly, cutest pregnant lady ever!
And thank you so so SO much for featuring me and my sneaker wedges, that has truly made my day! (that was a risk in itself, i was sooo unsure about them, but hey i love them,haha!)
ok longest comment ever over… sorry about that!!xxx
AMEN, rachel!! i am in that same position – i mean, if you never try you can’t say that you failed big. or something. you know what i mean. that’s amazing that you guys are looking at life in such a positive way! i know that things are going to work out for you!!!!
I love that you are showing, so cute!!! Happy 17 weeks Molly! Thanks for the link up, love the red, yellow and leopard girl! Leopard loafers are my new IT item to buy! !
Hope you have a great day!
XO Chelsea
aww thank you so much, chelsea!
Great post — I DEFINITELY fear failure. Or worse — just being ignored entirely. I have so many idead (and I would love to be self employed one day. One of the things that holds me back is fear of failure fo sho!)
Also, you belly makes me so very happy.
i TOTALLY know what you mean, clare. those are some of the most stressful feelings.
It takes courage to take risk, thanks for sharing your thoughts, I love your leopard shoes!
thank you so much, biti!
Such an adorable outfit! I love the neon colors with the leopard print!
thank you so much, rachel!
You’re so right about taking risks. Risks are what gets you to where you are. The problem is, though, that risks are hard! PS. I love that cardigan!
amen, susannah!!
thank you so much!
I typically play it safe now that I’m married (I feel more like an adult), but the biggest risk I ever took was moving 1700 miles from home to NC at the age of 21. Started my career and ended up marrying my main squeeze because of it!
oh wow, lins! that was a huge risk!! so glad it paid off for you!
I’m not a huge risk taker. I think it really depends on the risk as to whether or not it will pay off in the long run.
The Tiny Heart
yeah i totally know what you mean, sharon! it can be intimidating to take a step.
Love your belt! You make pregnancy look super-cute!
The biggest risk my husband and I have taken has definitely paid off. Two years ago we were living and working overseas and decided to not renew our contracts. We wanted to move back to the U.S. and saw an opportunity to live anywhere we wanted. To put the quality of home life first for once in our adult lives. So we did. We took the plunge and moved to Portland, Oregon, without any jobs or home or family or friends. And two years later, we have bought our first home, I have a full-time faculty librarian job, and my husband is living out his dream of being both a publishing writer (his first book is being published soon!) and a college writing instructor. We feel so blessed every day, and we don’t take this balance of work and home love for granted. But this all was possible because of taking a huge risk!
thank you so much, jen!! wow – that is a HUGE risk you took and i’m so glad it paid off for you!!
I love that leopard cardigan.
I find that the older I get the less likely I am to take risks and that is kind of disappointing. When I was in my 20’s my entire life was about risk. The bigger the better. I travelled Europe on my own, lived overseas on my own and really put myself “out there” both for hurt and happiness.
Now that I am older I don’t like to think about dealing with the consequences of risks that have gone bad. I don’t bounce back as quickly from the pain. I think though after dealing with a life threatening illness in my family this week that I will be reintroducing more risk in my life. Life is too short just to coast along hoping for little or no bumps along the way.
thank you so much, suzanne!! i know what you mean about getting older – i think it’s getting older that has actually made me think more about my decisions and the things that I have chosen to do over the years… i get very introspective as i get older!
You are looking great babe…every time I turn around and I see you, you look even more beautiful.
I like to take risk (sometimes) in just about everything. if you dont, then you will never know….and if you try and fail, at least you know and you can try differently or harder, etc. just go for it.
aw girl thank you so much!! seriously. you made my day. <3
Definitely not a frequent risk-taker – but I admire people who are. To me risks like doing a vlog (on the blog today!) for the first time was very scary. I know it sounds lame, but that’s a major step for me. I think the small steps are just as significant sometimes.
i totally understand, catherine! little risks lead to bigger rewards!
Thanks so much for hosting. It is a risk, I think, to put yourself out there every week, numerous times a week, into the world on a blog where you bare your soul and share yourself and invite people to respond. If you can do that, you are surely brave enough to take other risks. People don’t get to the end of their lives and say ‘I wish I hadn’t done X’, they usually say ‘I wish I had’. Failure is perception. And the only person whose perception counts is yours. Go for it!!!!!
anytime, charlie!! and thank you so much for the encouraging word. i never thought of blogging like that.
Molly, your bump is so cute!
thank you so much, rebecca!
i love those pants! i need to wear a belt more often – you always look so cute when you do!! I am so not a risk taker! but need to not be afraid to be!
aw thank you so much, katie!! you are ALWAYS so adorable!
i am by no means a risk taker. If I am comfortable, I want to stay that way. I’ve been thinking about making a big change here lately, but I am such a chicken. I guess all you can do is pray about it!!
you can do it, rebecca!!! i’ll be praying for you!!
Love this outfit. You are doing such a great job dressing your little bump!
Im a bit of a perfectionist and therefore hate failure too… I guess to me taking risks goes back to hearing God’s voice. Because when He tells you to do something you have no other option (well you do) but to jump right in. When God told us to move to Turkey, it seemed like a huge risk at the time. What if He chickened out? What if had said no? If not for knowing with absolute certain that was what He wanted for us, I’d have not taken the risk to go. I have some many other examples like this. Phew, Im getting deep for a Monday morning! Have a great week Molly.
thank you so much, priscila! wow – you really have an AMAZING risk story, girl. thank you for sharing! God is so good!
Look at that super cute baby bump
You are the cutest Molly!
aw thank you so much, mia!
I love how your belt accentuates that adorable little baby bump
Pearls & Paws
aw thank you so much, heather!
I’ll be honest a. You are the best dressed preggers person EVER and b. I think risks are what life is all about…….sometimes taking a chance leads you to the most incredible miracles :)……… Just started choking up…dangit im always so emotional this early in the morning!!
Brooke @ what2wear
you are the best. friend. ever. <3 you!
Love your denim jacket! When it comes to fashion, I kind of scared to go out of my comfort zone. But I’ll try to change that and be more comfortable with every outfits I’m going to wear.
thank you so much, cristina! that’s awesome that you’re willing to at least try!
Love your bright pants and leopard loafers! I have some too and they have been my favorite this winter
Thanks for hosting.
thank you so much, ana!
I love this outfit, and this post! I totally am a risk taker……it’s the only way to grow and evolve!
thank you so much, carly!! amen!
Love the leopard print cardigan. You look adorable in this.
thank you so much, shannon!
If I’m going to fail, I want to fail big. <– Amen, sister! And you look fantastic! I hope I look half as put together as you do when I'm pregnant.
thank you so much, samantha!
4 years ago I took a risk that completely changed my life, I came from Russia by myself and now I have my beautiful hubby, baby on the way and amazing friends and creative fun job-what else can I dream about, right?:)
that’s amazing, elena!! you are the epitome of what taking risks is all about!