Ice Cream, SVU, and 21 Weeks!
So, I’m gonna be real with you for a second.
This is basically what I did for 99% of the week:
Yes, eat ice cream sundaes and watch SVU on Netflix.
That’s what you do when you’re sick. Right? Right. So, that’s basically the highlight of my week.
What about you?
How far along: 21 weeks
How big is baby: 10 inches and about 12 ounces – spaghetti squash.
Weight gain: About 12-13 pounds so far.
Sleeping: Not great.
Food cravings: Honestly, this week it’s been all over the place since I was sick. Pretty much ice cream was all I wanted because it felt so good on my throat.
Food aversions: Japanese food. Still.
Symptoms: It’s been hard to tell since I was sick on top of everything else, but I can say that my nausea has finally started to subside. Thank God.
Doctor’s appointment: My 22 week checkup is next week!
Wedding Rings: Still on!
Movement: Still no real “KICKS” yet – as the doctor said it may be a little while longer before I can feel them, but I am definitely feeling some movement… the “flutters,” if you will.
Best moment of the week: Getting over being sick! Huzzah!
What I’m looking forward to: Kicks. Real baby kicks!
What I did / Got for baby: I’m trying to get myself more organized in the “planning” aspect of all of this. I’m finding myself doing a little bit of slacking in that area. OOOO and I bought some canvas deals on Living Social so I can get some more canvases printed for the nursery. That’s always fun!
What I learned this week: The baby can hiccup! And the baby does so as a means to practice breathing. Crazy!
Prayer requests: Sleep! AND, I’m seeing that April is going to be a busy month – there’s something going on EVERY weekend and so I’m praying that I can get through all of it and do everything that needs to be done to the best of my ability!
Your tummy is so cute! You look fabulous! Hope you get back to 100% soon & I’ll pray for you to find balance this month & a good night’s sleep!
thank you so much, sandra!
ice cream & SVU sounds pretty perfect!
it was great!
Ice cream and SVU sounds fabulous!! Take care of yourself!!
thank you so much, angela!
Ice cream makes everything better. Ice cream plus tv is just perfect. Hope you are feeling a lot better now!
xo, Yi-chia
Always Maylee
thank you so much, yi-chia!
I’m glad you’re feeling better, Molly! I may have had a lot of ice cream this week too. Have a great weekend!
The Tiny Heart
Target Giveaway!
I love SVU and I love ice cream…so this sounds pretty awesome to me. You’re making being sick and pregnant sound kind of fun…haha. Just kidding. Hope you get some much deserved sleep!
Penniless Socialite
March Group Giveaway!
ahahahaha love it! thank you so much, tara!
Yey!!! I AM finally obviously bigger than you now! You look great! The kicks will be well worth the wait and then you’ll get to look forward to the ROLLING! Soooo cool! Love you!
thank you so much, friend. <3 you
Praying you get that second trimester energy kick!
Glad to hear you are feeling better.
thank you so much, priscila!
Oh my goodness, the kicks are amazing! I cannot wait for you to experience it. It’s so crazy to see your tummy bounce with movement…sometimes I just have to giggle while sitting at my desk
i can’t wait!!
Glad you feel better
Ice cream is a good cure..
With my first child I was working in outdoor education taking kids groups mountaineering, canoeing, some white water stuff, caving, etc, ( you get the picture). I was working 12-14 hour days doing really hard physical stuff. The point of the story – it’s amazing how our bodies work. We are completely suited for this, some may even say it’s our purpose. I can remember saying what you wrote above, praying that i can get through it to the best of my ability – I love these posts, they remind me what it was like to carry Jonah.
totally agree! our bodies are really amazing things!
Yay for feeling better! SVU is my fav! I hope to see you soon! xoxoxoxoxo
<3 you, em!
I’m glad that you’re feeling better friend!
thank you so much, carly!