High Five for Friday + 32 Weeks!
1. + 2. My best friend Dani had her sweet baby! Her name is Elle Annemarie and she’s just perfect. I can’t wait to spoil her and I can’t wait for our baby to have playdates with little Elle! I also love how a bunch of people thought I had our baby early when I posted this photo.
3. So much love for my husband and puppies.
4. So, I’m in Florida for work and the hotel where I’m staying has a TV in the bathroom mirror. How crazy awesome is THAT?!
5. I’m proud of myself – I have STILL worked out even though I’ve been working! I’m definitely a level of exhausted I didn’t know I could be, but yeah, I’m tired.
6. I got my hearing checked at one of the booths here at the tradeshow. I’ve never had my hearing screened so it was actually a cool experience. I did learn though that I have a tougher time hearing lower frequencies / deep voices. That explains why I’m always like, “WHAAAT?” when my husband speaks. He has a super deep voice so I guess I just have a harder time hearing it… but apparently my hearing “loss,” for the most part, is normal for my age range.
So, what things are YOU celebrating this week?
How far along: 32 weeks
How big is baby: About 3.5-4 pounds and about 18 inches long. The “veggie” scale says large jicama. But, seeing as I have no clue as to what that looks like in real life, that tells me nothing.
Weight gain: I haven’t weighed myself in a week… woops!
Sleeping: Yeah, not great.
Food cravings: Nothing really this week – I’ve actually been so preoccupied with work this week that I haven’t really thought about “food” in that way… if that even makes sense.
Food aversions: None this week.
Symptoms: My back is constantly angry at me and my feet aren’t a fan of me, either.
My Braxton Hicks contractions are kicking it up a notch… they don’t hurt, but they’re not comfortable, that’s for sure.
Miss Anything?: Still sleep! I think it will from now on be sleep.
Doctor’s appointment: I had another one last week just to get the clearance to travel, so it was good.
Wedding Rings: Still on!
Clothes: Well, this week it’s been jeans and my work t-shirt since I’ve been at the trade show all week.
Movement: This week it seems like the baby is doing constant forward rolls in my belly – it feels CRAZY!
Best moment of the week: My BFF Dani had her baby! YAY!!
What I’m looking forward to: I’m a little over a week away from my baby shower – AHH I can’t believe it’s that time!
What I did / Got for baby: John and I took our childbirth class last weekend. It was actually REALLY helpful and we surprisingly enjoyed it. I feel much better about the whole process.
What I learned this week: The baby is going to gain about 1/4-1/2 a pound a week from here on out! AHH!
Prayer requests: I fly home from Florida to North Carolina tomorrow (Saturday) – so prayers for safe travel.
Doesn’t matter that it’s not a “fancy” picture. It’s totally adorable.
Hope you get a chance to give your feet a rest at the trade show!
awww thanks, ash!!! <3 you!
That’s so exciting that your shower is so soon! Travel safe girlie! xoxoxo
thanks, niki!
Yay for you for keeping up the workouts! You’re totally motivating me to hit the gym!
thanks, girl!! yay for motivation!
Ohh so close to your baby shower, you must be so excited!
xo, Yi-chia
Always Maylee
i am SO excited!!!!