41 Weeks!
{{Chambray: Old Navy (similar on sale!) // Tee: JCrew Factory (on sale!) // Jeans: Motherhood Maternity // Earrings: Apricot Lane // photos by my sweet friend Kristin
Here I am. Past the 41 week mark. Who woulda thunk I would ever make it THIS far sans a baby? Not I. Ahhh, how naive I once was.
But that’s okay! I’m still holding strong! I’m still doing well. I’m still breathing air and walking on the ground.
I’m keeping myself busy with work and spending time with friends (even if it’s just getting out of the house to get lunch). So, that helps the time go by a little faster (even though it feels like it’s going slow as molasses).
I’m staying positive. I really am. But I’m not going to lie to you and tell you that I haven’t had my moments where I’m just down. I’m just sad. And I just need to cry. And that’s okay. It’s OKAY to just need to cry sometimes. It’s okay to feel sad sometimes. I know that it’s ALL going to be worth it in the end… but I have learned that I need to not always play the tough guy and that I need to allow myself to be pregnant, tired, and hormonal.
And sometimes being pregnant, tired, and hormonal means you just need to cry.
I also have to say another public HUGE thank you to my husband for being so unbelievably amazing. John, I love you so much and I’m so glad you asked me to marry you that one time. You are the best husband a wife could ask for and I couldn’t do this without you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.
Okay, let’s get to the official update, shall we?
How far along: 41 weeks, 2 days.
How big is baby: They say the average baby at this point is anywhere from 7-10 pounds. I’m still hoping he/she is closer to the 7-8 pound range.
Weight gain: Still holding at right around 50-55 pounds. Swelling really adds pounds… I can fluctuate like 10-15 pounds in a DAY. Yeah, that’s annoying. I am STILL working out, though! I’ve been walking every day and I’ve been going to the gym on days I don’t walk. So, I’m doing what I need to be doing!
Sleeping: Yeah, still not great. I got ONE really good night’s sleep because my midwife gave me ambien. I may request some more of that stuff because it knocked me OUT!
Food cravings: Cupcakes.
Food aversions: None really.
Symptoms: Hip pain is still pretttttttty killer and it only seems to be worsening. But stretching, sitting on the exercise ball, and walking seem to help. I’m also having a TON of contractions. I’m pretty sure they’re just Braxton Hicks still because I’ve been having them for almost two full weeks now.
Miss Anything?: Sleep. Not going to the bathroom every 12 minutes.
Doctor’s appointment: I had one on Tuesday and I have one today (Friday). At my appointment on Tuesday they did another NST (non stress test) where they just monitor the baby and me for an hour. My appointment today (Friday) will be another BPP (biophysical profile) where they will do an ultrasound to make sure everything looks good.
I also did end up going to the hospital on Saturday night… not because I thought I was in labor, but because I hadn’t felt the baby move in over six hours. So I called my midwife and she told me she’d rather be safe than sorry and had me come in to get monitored. Well, on the way to the hospital I did start having contractions and while I was there I was having pretty strong contractions like every two minutes for almost four hours.
They had me get up and walk around and they weren’t slowing down… BUT, I knew I wasn’t in labor. I’m fairly certain it was just the castor oil I had taken earlier in the day. Yes, I attempted the natural induction method of castor oil (at the recommendation of one of my midwives). It wasn’t delicious but it wasn’t as HORRIBLE as some people say that it is. Granted, I mixed it with a HUGEEEEE fruit smoothie.
It did not, in fact, induce labor. It just gave me contractions. Super annoying.
Well, basically, as of my appointment on Tuesday, I am 1cm dilated but “barely” effaced and the baby is no where near dropped into my pelvis.
We will see if I have progressed any at my appointment today, but it’s looking like I may have to be induced next week. They pretty much won’t let you go past 42 weeks… I’m just really praying that I don’t have to make that decision.
Wedding Rings: Still wearing my loaner ring.
Clothes: Still quite limited, but I’ve been trying to be a little more creative to help make myself feel more put together this week.
Movement: The baby still moves a lot but it’s definitely “slowed down” – I think this kid is just out of room. Which is why I was so concerned on Saturday when I hadn’t felt the baby move ALL afternoon – VERY uncharacteristic of him/her.
Best moment of the week: Having lunch with my sweet friend Dani and her sweet baby girl, Elle. Look! Elle can use my belly as a chair!
What I’m looking forward to: FINALLY meeting this baby. Seriously. It HAS to be any day now… right? Right. I know, this baby WILL be born.
What I did / Got for baby: Well, uhhh… I haven’t gone insane (yet), which is a start. And I’ve cleaned the house like 12 times. I also have folded and refolded diapers upwards of 15 times. I’m just looking for stuff to nest.
What I learned this week: That only 5-10% of women go 42 weeks with their first baby. So, this baby HAS to come soon. Right? Right!
Prayer requests: I am praying SO hard and so long and so often that I go into labor on my own. I have spent A LOT of time with the Lord this week and I honestly attribute my positive attitude (for the most part) and minimal crying spells (for the most part) to being in constant communication with God. It’s not like I’m sitting down having long prayer sessions, I’m just talking with God throughout the day asking Him to give me strength, help me focus, and keep me centered on Him. I know that He is in control of this. I know that.
But, the fact remains, I do not want to be induced. I want to go into labor naturally. I know that induction may be a reality I will have to face, but until that point comes, I’m going to continue to pray and ask the Lord to help this baby along naturally. And I don’t want the induction decision to be made for me.
I know plenty of women get induced. It’s just not my wishes at this point.
So, I am praying that I go into labor naturally. That I’m able to have a drug-free, natural, birth. That I don’t have to have a c-section. And that I’m able to breastfeed right away.
I know that not everything will go as planned and I know that it’s out of my control, but it doesn’t mean I won’t keep praying for those things!
One of the best recommendations for maternity and breastfeeding clothes was made to me by a friend who couldn’t find any items that matched her fashion sense as none of the high street shops had the things she was looking for. She came across a European company called My Tummy http://www.mytummy.co.uk online and she only bought from them. They have really cute maternity blouses and dresses that double up as breastfeeding dresses too. I’ve only tried the pregnancy trousers so far but I really like them. Let me know if you check them out! x
You have such an amazing attitude! I bet you can’t wait to meet your new little love. Keep us posted!
Thank you so much, Shannon!
Hi Molly!
I will definitely keep you and embry in my prayers! I am staying away from the things not to say as well!!!! Lol!
I hope that you enjoyed the cupcake I saw on Instagram!
Thank you so much, jasmine!
Hey, sweetie!Hang in there, girl. I’m praying for you. Know that it isn’t that a big a deal to be induced. I had to induce a week prior to my due date because my kiddo was getting too big and I am really small. No. Big. Deal. I promise. Also do not stress out if baby Stillman won’t breastfeed perfectly in the first 24 hours. Being born is hard work and many babies just want to sleep and recover. My little guy had no interest in eating for at least the first 36 hours. But after that we did great. He gained weight immediately and did great. So don’t let the nurses stress you out about that. I’ll keep praying for you! (And if I had a cupcake I would totally hand it over!)
Thank you so much, CC!!
I feel you, girl! Still pregnant over here too…will be 41 Weeks and 1 day tomorrow. Praying for you!
Praying for you, kait!
I was so convinced that I was going to be late. The baby never dropped down, I was not dilated at all, and absolutely nothing was going on. No Braxton Hicks, just nothing. Then, out of the blue, my water broke, and the baby was actually born two weeks early. Don’t think that just because the baby hasn’t dropped, or all of those other things, that it can’t happen. That’s what I thought, and my baby proved me wrong! Sending lots of good thoughts & vibes your way for you going into labor naturally. You’re doing great!
Thank you so much, Kim!
Praying for you my friend!!!
Thank you so much, Carly!
I keep coming back to your blog to see if you’ve had the baby, and every time I see a photo of you I think “Such a pretty pregnant lady!” I am just saying, you’ve got your glow on. You are definitely in my prayers and thoughts. <3
Awww Thank you so much, Haley!
“God loves you. God has a plan for you. God loves this baby. God has a plan for this baby. God has already written the perfect birth story. And God wants you to have another cupcake.”
Love you!
I am so proud of you! That probably sounds crazy coming from a perfect stranger, but it’s true. You are strong, mentally and physically. You are enduring so much right now and you’re doing great. My first baby was late so I know what you’re going through. You will be a wonderful mommy. Do what feels right for you, a woman’s motherly instincts are powerful. Can’t wait to see as your journey continues!
Thank you so much, Kate!
I love that you have such a great attitude!! And I’m not even close to being pregnant but also just need to cry sometimes, ha!
Thank you so much, Sarah!
Molly!!! Who would’ve thought that you’d have a post titled “41 weeks”?!?! You are a rockstar!! Baby just wants to be as close to you as possible and is perfectly happy right where he/she is!
I’m praying for you, my friend!! I think baby is coming this weekend…my prediction is Sunday!
Thank you so much, Ashley! Here’s hoping!
Can’t wait to meet the baby! I’m sure he/she will make me laugh ALMOST as much as you do
Looking good girl! xoxox
Thank you so much, Lauren!
Stay strong, Molly (but I know you will). It must be hard to be so patient and it doesn’t matter if you cry, that’s still strength! Probably more than if you DIDN’T cry from time to time. Your story reminds me of a dear friend of mine who had her baby a few months ago. She too, went well over 40 weeks and did not want to be induced. But when the day came for her and her husband to drive to the hospital for that induction – she went into labor naturally during the car ride over! I’ll be praying that same blessing for you too and that you to have that natural labor as soon as possible! By the way, I don’t think I’ve ever seen a woman put herself together so well this far into her pregnancy. You look amazing!
Thank you so much, Christie!
Hi Molly! I want to tell you that you are pretty and also that the beauty inside of you reflects the outside too.
I admire the fact that you smile and keep positive doing what you should eventhough sometimes you might do not want to or feel to do it.
You have a great taste for dressing, let me tell you.
I enjoy reading your upsdates.
God is with you! The time is close.
Take care , from Quito – Ecuador
María José
Thank you so much, maria!!
Good for you Molly! Working out and being in the Word. You are an inspiration. Praying baby comes this weekend and if you would pray for Tara and Jed as she went into labor and is only at 26 weeks with baby girl. They are still newly married, under 2 years, so just stressful for them. It sounds like she will deliver this weekend. So thankful for the advances to help tiny babies.
You look great!
Thank you so much, christa! And absolutely, prayers for them!
well it its an consolation you look amazing! I hope I look that good when I’m pregnant! xo
Thank you so much!!
I hope you get news at your appointment today that things are progressing! Hang in there, Molly!
The Tiny Heart
JCrew Giveaway!
Thank you so much, Sharon!
Hang in there Molly…saying a little prayer for you that you go into labor naturally
Crying and being emotional if that’s how you feel is totally OK…heck, I feel like I wouldn’t ever stop crying if I was 41 weeks pregnant…so you are doing great!!
The Other Side of Gray
Thank you so much, annie!
I’m going to send up a prayer for you, Molly! Hang in there, you’re doing great!
Thank you so much, crystal!
You look amazing in orange and polka dots! Good luck at the appointment today! Your an amazing woman and look so pretty!
YOU are amazing, lee!! thank you so much, girl!
Seriously, you’re so adorable. I love that through all this not going the way you would like or you had planned, you’re personality and inner beauty shine through. I admire you.
i admire YOU! <3 you lins!
I LOVE the turquoise nail polish! Ah! I might be borrowing that idea in a few days when school starts! It looks so fresh and summer. I also second the yay for the lovely cool days we’ve been having! Of course as soon as we all say that it’ll be 101 degrees on Monday. Still looking great! Hang in there!
aw yay! thank you so much, lauren!! <3 <3
Great pop of color for you! You look just amazing and you have such a positive attitude, even though I am sure you are frustrated. Hang in there. That baby has to come out sometime soon:) Blessings. Susan
aw thank you so much, susan! <3
You are such a beautiful mommy to be and that pop of orange just light up your face. Hang in there!!
aw thank you so much, neti!
You look beautiful! I love the pop of color your shirt adds to your outfit. As for baby, I’ll be praying he/she makes their entrance on their own and no induction is needed. On a positive note, my 10 day overdue baby was a petite 7lbs, 4oz, so I will be praying for one on the small side for you as well. And if I lived close (and knew you in the flesh) I would totally bring you a cupcake
thank you so much, jessica!!! you are the best.
Hang in there honey! At least the weather has cooled down the last few days. Baby Stillman will be here before you know it! Glad you are keeping in good spirits (for the most part!)
yes totally! the weather has been a dream!!