High Five for Our First Friday with Lilly!
Happy Friday!
It’s our first Friday home with our sweet baby. And, oddly enough, today is my birthday. I honestly, truthfully, in all seriousness COMPLETELY forgot my birthday was today until I sat down to write this post. It’s not exactly like I’ve had much time to build anticipation for it, or anything. All the anticipation over the last, oh, nine months has been for the arrival of our baby… and it was even moreso over the last few weeks.
So yeah, I am not doing anything special or crazy for my birthday. I’ll be excited if I get to shower and take a nap! We have family coming over for dinner, so that will be fun! But really, I got the best birthday gift ever already this week. She came on Sunday. More on that later…
Here are the highlights of our week!
1. Yes, ladies and gents, I FINALLY got my cupcake. It was a delicious as it looks. And less than 24 hours later I was in labor. Was it the cupcake that did it? Doubtful. But, I like to pretend that it was.
2. Lilly Eileen Stillman was born! Still can’t believe she is here. FINALLY. Still can’t believe she’s a girl! (EVERYONE thought baby Stillman was going to be a boy, even me!) Still can’t believe God is letting us borrow her for a while. She’s just perfect. I will be sharing her birth story next week… I can’t wait to write it and share it with you. She is totally worth the 41 weeks and 4 days I carried her. She is totally worth the hours of labor. She is totally worth it all.
3. Our first “alone” time as mommy / daughter in the hospital. I just kinda stared at her and cried (post-partum hormones, maybe…) I’ve never wanted to protect anything so much.
4. We FINALLY got to go home on Wednesday! Although I feel and look totally struggle bus in this photo, I love it because I love seeing our little family together. Also, yes, my husband wore his I Am a Tar Heel shirt on purpose since we were at Duke Regional Hospital. He wanted it known that he is NOT a fan of Duke, the school, but we ARE fans of Duke the Regional Hospital.
5. Lilly’s first night in her crib. I took this photo at like 1am her first night in her crib at home. I just couldn’t stop staring at her. It is so crazy to me that she is really here (I know I keep saying that, and I’m not sure when the surrealness of it all will go away.)
How was YOUR week? Want to see more pictures of our sweet Lilly girl? Follow me on Instagram… I’m kind of a maniac with the baby photo posting.
Linked up with Lauren and Jeannett!
She is SO precious! You’re giving me baby fever again
Enjoy your new baby girl!
The Pretty Pinhead
hehehe thank you, amanda!
Congrats, I am soo happy for you and that you are all happy and healthy
Laura x
thank you so much, laura!
That cupcake looks yummy !
Congrats on the baby : ) Just came across you blog and think it so cute.
Breakfast at Cindi’s
thank you so much, cindi!
Congrats! She is one adorable baby! You can tell from the pictures that your smiles with her are those that you just cannot stop smiling!
thank you so much, ashley!
Congratulations on a great first week and I am now following you on Instagram!
Sparkles and Shoes
yay!!! fun! thank you so much, kelly!
Happy birthday!! I can’t wait to hear the birth story. Lilly is gorgeous (I knew she would be) and you and your little family are just glowing!
thank you so much, lindsay!
What a sweetheart! Congrats! I’ve newly discovered your blog, and and at such an exciting time:)
thank you so much, keshet!
Ahhh… tears! She’s gorgeous, Mama. Just gorgeous. And I’m loving the name (psst… I may be biased, since that’s my little girl’s name too!!!). Enjoy every moment, don’t hold back the tears, hormones or not, that love is genuine and pure and your angel will soak up every bit of it into her tender heart. Sending you love, hugs, and blessings. ~Sarah
aww thank you so much, sarah!
Happy Birthday, Molly! You look great and Lily is adorable!
thank you so much, rebecca!
Best Birthday Present EVER! Lilly is precious, beautiful girl. So happy for all of you
thank you so much, cantrelle!
Congratulations! She is so tiny and adorable!
Also happy birthday. Looks like you already got your present : )
thank you so much, suzanne!
I am just filled with happiness for you. She is absolutely adorable and I miss that fresh from heaven scent already! My boys are just too big now!
thank you so much, skylette!
She is adorable. I cannot wait to see more pictures and hear (read) your birth story. Also, my husband would totally do something like that, too (the t-shirt).
aw thank you so much, lacey!
And Happy Birthday my friend!!!!!
aww thanks!
This just might be the best post ever!!! So much Lilly love…and I LOVE it.
thank you so much, ashley!
You better not be sorry because she is just the most beautiful little angel….and I’ll say August is quite a special month for important people being born, happy birthday :))))
Brooke @ what2wear
you are the best. thank you so much, brooke!
Happy Birthday and Congrats, Molly! She’s definitely beautiful. I love Durham Regional Hospital. I was born there back when my dad was a Blue Devil. I can’t believe they let a TarHeel in there. Lol. Just kidding. I used to be a TarHeel too until I switched colleges and had to take sides:)
All the best with being a new mommy. Your excitement is contagious!
hahaha love it. thank you so much, nicole!
I’m so happy for you, she’s beautiful! You are going to be such a wonderful mama!
thank you so much, evani!
I would just like it known that I predicted she was a girl the whole time
hehehe you are smarter than i!
Pretty sure it’s safe to say that you are having the Best Week Ever!
Happy Birthday!
most definitely! thank you so much, marissa!
Your very blessed! Thanks for sharing the joy you have!
i am! thank you so much, lee!
Happy Birthday!! Lilly is gorgeous and such a perfect early birthday present
thank you so much, allyssa!
Happy birthday, Molly! Lilly is so beautiful and she truly is the perfect birthday present
Enjoy dinner tonight with your family!
The Tiny Heart
Target Giveaway!
thank you so much, sharon!
congratulations, Molly! that little Lilly is such a cutie. Looking forward to the birth story!!
thank you so much, nicole!
She is beautiful! And so are you, sweet mommy. Such an amazing gift, that God gives us these little babies to care for and watch grow into adults. Have fun! xoxo
thank you so much, anne!
Lilly is adorable and what a sweet family! I hope you are enjoying your time with your sweet little girl
thank you so much, rachel!
You definitely had one amazing and memorable week! Congrats again!
xo, Yi-chia
Always Maylee
thank you so much, yi-chia!
Happy, Happy Birthday, Molly!!!! Your birthday week sounds like it’s been pretty amazing
Your hubby is so funny!
thank you so much, rebecca!! he is definitely hilarious!
Perfect week!! Awesome that you got your cupcake!! Loved the photos of you and your sweet girl. The surreal-ness will last a for a little while! I felt like I was walking around in a dream for a long time. Soak her up because it moves by so quickly!!
hehe thank you so much, monica!
What a perfect week! Lilly is just cute as she can be. I can’t wait to see more photos of her!!
thank you so much, lauren!
Happy Birthday Molly!! Congratulations on the best gift of all!! I hope this whole next year is filled with wonder, growth, happiness and laughter!! Lilly is one lucky baby girl to have you and John as her parents! xoxoxo
thank you so much, alexandra!
Happy Birthday Molly! Lilly is beautiful and I am still in love with the hashtag. I love that your husband wore his Tar Heel shirt to the hospital. I hope you get some sleep but we all know that you staring at Lilly is competing for that rest. Have a blessed week!
thank you so much, jessica!
Molly she is beautiful! I am so so happy that you and baby Lilly are healthy happy and make a beautiful family!! Now eat as many cupcakes as you want and keep staring at your perfect little girl!
thank you so much, chelsea!
I love her!! HB to you!
thank you so much, jb!
Dude, cupcakes fix everything.
When I saw the picture of you leaving the hospital, I thought “fashionable even leaving the hospital.” Serious, you look adorable. If I have another one, I need to remember to add a maxi skirt to my closet and bring it to the hospital. It makes for an easy, put together look. And post pictures of your little Lilly to your hearts content, because I love seeing them!
you are too sweet. thank you so much, jessica!
I seriously just squealed for you! (And decided that cupcakes put people into labor… They truly are magical.) She’s beautiful! So happy for you.
Aww thank you so much, dani!
Congrats Molly. She is adorable. I see from the pictures you had a c-section. I can totally relate. My son was born at 41 and 5 days, but like you said, it’s totally worth it. Enjoy every minute of it.
Thank you so much, agi!