My Baby’s Style > My Style
It should come as no surprise to you that I am a wee obsessed with my child. Totally fine. Totally normal.
I am also obsessed with dressing her up.
Again, totally fine. Totally normal.
I am a mom. To a girl. And I love fashion. Thus, it is natural.
Now, a lot of you asked me because we did NOT find out the sex of the baby before Lilly was born. I swore we were having a boy. But nope, God saw we thought we had plans and he laughed. And thus, many of you have asked me how I have so many girly clothes and so many girly bows. And the answer is we are EXTREMELY blessed by so many friends and family who love us AND I just so happen to have two very close friends here who have little girls older than Lilly and so Lilly has gotten SO MANY adorable hand-me-downs. I, myself, have maybe only purchased like two or three outfits for her.
Anyway. I’m rambling.
Well, I saw on Instagram that @aliyarinaldi of Double the Fun blog and @lvdmorethncrrts of I Love You More Than Carrots were hosting a #fallministyle Instagram photo-a-day challenge for the month of October for your wee one.
You can bet your boots I was hopping on that bandwagon. I’ve been doing a photo-a-day challenge on my own to document Lilly’s growth – and this ended up being such a fun way to switch it up for a month!
Anyway. I thought it’d be fun to re-cap Lilly’s #fallministyle looks from the past month. It’s also really cool to see how much she has grown and changed JUST in the last 31 days!
Without further ado, check out the pics and challenges of the month:
1. Stripes // 2. Denim3. Plaid // 4. Accessories
5. Cozy // 6. Socks
7. Animal // 8. Printed (love this chevron onesie – it’s c/o VeryJane!)
9. Grey // 10. Corduroy
11. Pajamas // 12. Mama and Mini
13. Shoes // 14. Colored Denim (or colored leggings… close enough)
15. Hoodie // 16. Polka Dots
17. Flannel // 18. Sweater
19. Black // 20. Football
21. Red // 22. Thermal
23. Skinny Jeans // 24. Boots
25. Hat // 26. Cardigan
27. Layers // 28. Pumpkins
29. Elbow Patches (this onesie with polka dots on the sleeve was the closest we had) // 30. Orange
31. Costume! (cutest. cow. ever.)
Annnnnnd… for your bonus. My dog Audrey always liked to photobomb our little morning photo sessions, and I thought it was hilarious. So, I documented some of those photobombs, too. Yes, I’m that mom.
I’m a little sad the challenge is over, but that won’t stop me from taking pics of my little one. Sorry I’m not sorry.
Anywho. October was a GREAT month! Love watching my little Lilly grow!
What about y’all? Anything you did this October? Did you participate in #fallministyle with your little one? Are you a fan of Instagram challenges?
This is super cute & Lilly might have more cute clothes than I do… so adorable!
Oh. My. GOSH. I’ve seen all these pictures on your Instagram, but holy crap, seeing them all together like this kills me. Lilly is so darn cute!!!!
Just plain old precious!! I love that sweet baby! I thought I was having a boy too – we never found out. When my daughter was born, I was gifted with an obsession with dressing her up. Twelve years later and I still have it!! I love to paint her nails, do her hair, everything!! Enjoy my friend! Susan
Um, please never stop taking these picture!! I seriously LOVED looked at my Instagram and saying “I wonder what Lilly is wearing today?” #totalstalker #imreallysorry
I can’t even handle the cuteness!! UH-DOOR-UH-BULL!!!
dressing a girl is SOOOO fun! she is so cute and has the best expressions!
How adorable. She is such a cutie. Is that Tater in one of the photo bombs? I really like the giraffe outfit. Cute.
Oh my, she is SO adorable!! I think the polka dot and ugg boots outfit is my fave:) Love!
She’s seriously so adorable. Love all of her little outfits! A little fashionista in the making!
xo, Yi-chia
Always Maylee
i can’t even handle this, she is such a chic little diva already!!
brooke @ tigers don’t lose sleep
How cute are these photos! I love the denim look so cute! And of course the cow. MOOO!
I missed out on all the cute baby outfits because Parker was in her harness because of her hip dysplasia…so I’m definately enjoying dressing her up now! Your baby girl def has style!
I love this, and really hope you keep posting her daily outfits!!!