For the Mamas | Cloth Diapering 101 – The Beginning
Lilly at 7 days old with her cute little cloth bum. Photo by Kristin Staley
Yes, this series is going to be for the mamas, the mama-to-bes, the one-day mamas, and the I’m-totally-just-curious’s.
I had thought about doing a series on our cloth diapering journey once we had Lilly, but almost talked myself out of it because, well, I thought, “I mostly blog about fashion and beauty and food and whatnot. Do people REALLY wanna read how I deal with my daughter’s bathroom stuffs?”
But, I realized that this blog is my blog and has been with me through it all and I write about it all. It’s more a lifestyle blog than anything because, well, I write about my life. And that includes all the little things. And since Lilly was born, a lot of things have changed… for the better… but they have definitely changed.
PLUS, I’ve gotten an overwhelming amount of requests for a series on cloth diapering that I said to myself, “Hey, what the hey? Why not? It’ll be fun!”
Thus, this series was born.
So, if you’re a mama, a mama-to-be, a one-day mama, or someone who is just totally curious how this whole cloth diapering thing works, then this series is for you.
There’s no way I can cover ALL THINGS CLOTH DIAPERING in one post. There are entire BLOGS dedicated to JUST cloth diapering. But, I will share with you our experiences, what I’ve learned along the way, what has worked for us, what hasn’t, what my favorite diapers are, the laundering process, etc.
I also want to make sure I answer YOUR questions. So, if you are one of the many people who have asked me about cloth diapering, PLEASE let me know either in the comments below or by e-mailing me what questions you have.
We have had cloth diapers on Lilly since she was five days old and I’m SO glad!
I’m by no means an expert, but I’ve become a little bit obsessive about it… In fact, dare I say addicted to it? Is that bizarre? Being addicted to how you DIAPER your child? Possibly. But I think I am. Bahahaha.
Anyway. So, for this first post in this little series, I wanted to share a little bit of WHY we decided to cloth diaper and I also wanted to create the opportunity for you guys to ask questions.
I will also say – whether you cloth diaper or use disposables – you have to do what works for YOU and your family! I don’t judge mamas who do either. You use cloth diapers? Awesome! You use disposable diapers? Awesome! We’ve got to stop judging each other for our different parenting decisions. </end quick rant>
Why We Cloth Diaper
1. MONEY: This is, by far, the number one reason we decided to cloth diaper – to save MONEY. Diapering a kid is not cheap.
Let’s do some quick math. The average cost per disposable diaper in America right now is about $0.28 cents per diaper. If you have your kid in diapers for (on average) 3.5 years and you change your kid’s diaper, let’s say, 8x a day (this is an average as you change your kid’s diaper MORE when they’re little and less when they’re bigger). You’re spending, somewhere in the neighborhood of ~$2,800 for disposable diapers. FOR ONE KID.
Now, even if you were to buy a FULL STASH of cloth diapers at FULL PRICE (brand new), you’ll spend AT MOST anywhere from $400-$1,000 – depending on the brand, etc.
John and I told our friends and family we were going to be cloth diapering, so almost EVERY SINGLE CLOTH DIAPER we have was given to us as a gift. I, personally, have purchased a few, but have spent no more than $100 total.
That is A LOT of money we are saving. A LOT.
We also use cloth wipes – so that also saves us a TON of money. We don’t even buy wipes!
2. GOING GREEN: Okay, so I’m not like a big tree hugger or anything like that (not that there’s anything wrong with that), but for me, personally, the thought of all of that waste (literally) going into dumps, etc. is just crazy! And I think I read somewhere that a disposable diaper takes like 500-1000 years to decompose… if that. And apparently the outer layer may NEVER decompose. I dunno, seems like a waste to me.
3. THEY’RE REALLY DANG CUTE: There is no doubt that cloth diapers are crazy adorable. Seriously. The prints. The colors. And seeing a little tiny baby with a big fluffy butt is crazy cute. I’m just going to totally admit it – the aesthetics of cloth diapering is like 75% of my motivation to keep doing it these days. Bahaha! But this is also where you can get into trouble – because I kinda want ALL the cute cloth diapers!
4. GOOD ON BABY’S BUM: Since it’s just all natural cloth and fabric up against baby’s sensitive skin, diaper rashes and skin reactions are almost non-existent. Since having Lilly, we’ve had ONE quasi-diaper irritation… if you can call it that. (I think it was from a new detergent… so I switched and It was gone in a day).
So yeah, those are four of the reasons why we decided to take the plunge, go old school, and use cloth diapers on our little one.
As I continue this series over the next few weeks / months, I’ll cover things like:
- Finding the right kind of diapers
- Different kinds of diapers
- What might work for you vs. what might work for someone else
- Cloth Diapering a newborn
- The laundry process (aka: the scoop on poop)
- Using cloth wipes
- General care for your diapers
- etc.
How do you deal with childcare centers? I am due in June and plan to put my baby in daycare in August. I am worried about convincing them to accommodate us.
I am so sorry to say that I honestly don’t have any advice on this… I stay home with my daughter and so she hasn’t been in day care… But I’m sure if you check some of the cloth diaper Facebook groups there have to be moms that have experience with this. I hope that helps!
Love this series! I’m not preggo yet, but have read a lot on cloth diapering already and would love to hear more about it. Thank you! I definitely look forward to hearing about all of the bullet points you mentioned you’ll be sharing. Some questions I would have would be what brand do you use and the whole laundry process. Also, what if you’re out on the town and need to change a diaper? Where do ya put the used one? May be a dumb question, but hey, I’m not a mama yet
Thanks Molly!
Hooray! Cutie patootie baby bums are the BEST! I’m excited to be invited to learn about cloth diapering, even though I’m in the “not a mom but still curious about some cute bums” category :]
We did disposables for our first, but now that #2 is coming in a few months, I’m feeling a little more confident about cloth and wondering how it all works/if its for us. I am really looking forward to reading your experiences!!! I think my biggest concern would be – what do you do when you’re out and about (in terms of dealing with dirty diapers)?
We started cloth diapers with M was about 6 weeks old. It’s been going pretty well (and she’s nearly 4 months). I have loved using GroVia diapers best. I look forward to hearing more about your cloth diapering journey. And my reasons are about the same: cost savings! cuteness factor and helping the environment
Hi Molly! Great post and turn for your blog through this stage of your life! I am not a mother, but when that day comes I know I will greatly consider cloth diapers. The cost and waste are my top two reasons as well. Thanks for your expected calculations, but a few question: How many cloth diapers constitute a “full stash?” How do you do the laundry – just a load of diapers or mixed? Seems like it would take a lot of diapers to go through that many changes for a load of laundry. If you plan to answer these in the rest of the series, I’ll be reading.
As a soon to be mom in March 2014, I’m interested in learning more! I want to know the cleaning process of the cloth diapers and cloth wipes when you’re out in public and have to do a diaper change? Like what do you do and where do you store the used re-useable cloth diapers and cloth wipes when away from home?
Molly! I am so excited to read all about your experiences with cloth diapering. I’ve known for a while that I want to take that route when I have children, and as silly as it sounds, I positively love reading about it. I’m really curious as to how many diapers you have, and what sizes. I’ve heard a lot of people say that they choose to use disposable newborns, to avoid the extra cost of newborn diapers. But I really hate the thought of contributing even that many diapers to the landfills. I’d love to hear how they are working on Lily since she is still so young. Love the blog! You are truly God’s disciple to so many of us. God bless
I’ve been cloth diapering since my oldest was 3 months old. I love it and was so excited when you were pregnant and mentioned you were going to cloth diaper.
Looking forward to this series. Due in February, so it’s nice to hear what others have to say!
Molly! Have you ever heard of gDiapers? They’re a hybrid – cloth covers with disposable inserts.
hey claire! i have – i tried a few gdiapers that someone gave us, but they just didn’t work well for lilly – i, unfortunately, just wasn’t really a fan.
although I do know that some moms LOVE them!!
I’m definitely interested in learning more about this! We have always planned to use disposables, but I’m intrigued and it doesn’t hurt to learn more! Dare I say it.. I want the scoop on poop, haha.
xo, Yi-chia
Always Maylee
Thats so interesting. I didn’t know there was that much information on cloth diapers. I’m not a mother yet but when I do this is something I definitely want to look into. You must save so much money!