Lilly – Five Month Update!
Here we are again. Another month. The days keep passing and Lilly just keeps getting older and keeps getting bigger. I really can’t believe it!
This past month has been HUGE in her development. She has changed SO much and has really become a BABY and less of an infant. She’s so responsive and so interactive. I can’t believe the past five months have gone as fast as they have.
Being her mom is one of the greatest jobs God has ever given me. I am loving every second of it.
Lilly’s Five Month Update
Weight: approx 17 pounds / Length: approx 25.5″ / Head Circumference: ??? no doctor’s appt. this month so I gotta estimate it on my own.
Nicknames: Monkey moo. Monkey doo. Beebeebeeoo. Baby boo. Putian. Lilliputian. Patches O’Droolihan. Hot Lips O’Droolihan.
Sleep: Well. Yeah. You see. It’s uh… not great. The Woombie that we got her last month still does work great and helps her sleep longer than I think she would if she didn’t have it. I tried using a Halo Sleep Sack a couple times and she sleeps horribly in it.
She likes to tease us and have one night of AWESOME sleep and then the next night she’s up every hour. I know that it won’t be like this forever, but boy am I tired.
*EDITED on Saturday Morning, Jan. 18th: Soooo, last night she decided that rolling over in her Woombie would be a good idea. So, it looks like we are no longer doing the Woombie or swaddling. The rest of the night was pretty rough, but that just means we’re in a transition! Onward and upward!
Eating: Lilly is still doing GREAT with nursing! My goal from the beginning has been to keep her exclusively breastfed for at least 6-7 months and I think we are well on our way to that being the case. On an “ideal” day, she nurses about every 4 hours. But on average she is nursing about every 3-4 hours. She is definitely a SUPER distracted eater during the day… so a lot of times I will just pump and give her milk from a bottle because it’s just easier that way. It all just depends on her mood.
Clothing: There are a few size 3 month things that she still fits in, but most of her 3 month stuff she has outgrown. She fits in 3-6 month clothes pretty solidly and she’s beginning to fit in her 6 months clothes. She’s kind of in that awkward middle range for clothing sizes. Just this week I started cleaning out her closet and putting away stuff she’s grown out of and hanging larger sized clothes.
Socks and shoes are IMPOSSIBLE to keep on her. In fact, she can’t even really fit in ANY shoes. Her feet, ankles and legs are so chubby I can’t get her feet in the shoes… haha! So, I pretty much have given up on trying to keep them on her.
Mood: She is still just one of the happiest babies I know. She is certainly going through a fussier period lately, but I know that it’s all normal. She just laughs SO much and is such a smiley giggler. It’s THE BEST.
My dad with his grandchildren… SO sweet.
- Being carried in the Tula
- Playing “blast-off” – It’s a silly game I play with her where I put her on my feet and raise her in the air
- Working out with daddy – her daddy will do lunges and stuff with her – she loves it!
- Going for walks
- When I read her books
- Her activity mat
- Music
Opening presents on Christmas
Doesn’t Love:
- Being hot
- Socks or shoes
- Tummy time for longer than 3 minutes
- Loud noises
What I Want to Remember / Milestones:
- On Jan. 8th, Lilly finally rolled over from her back to her belly! And she’s getting SO good at it!
- Lilly’s first Christmas was awesome! It was just such a great time with family.
- She’s becoming so interactive. She’s reaching for things, grabbing things, and showing interest in her toys.
- She knows and recognizes her name now!
- She has really started to take a notice / liking to the dogs. She cracks up at them ALL the time. She finds them hilarious!
- Out of the two dogs, Audrey has really taken a liking to Lilly. Tater likes her, but Audrey LOVES Lilly. Audrey is Lilly’s shadow – wherever Lilly goes, Audrey goes. It’s adorable.
What I’m Looking Forward To: I’m looking forward to having just a low key couple of weeks. It’s been so busy and hectic, I’m ready for some “down” time without any obligations.
awwww love those chunky babes!
this is genius! i always wondered how the diapers match the numbers so well
hahaha I’m cheap, what can I say?
Do you make these dresses/shirts or did you buy them somewhere? I would love to give these at an upcoming shower.
Hey Danielle! It’s actually just one plain white dress and then I photoshop the month onto it.
Just adorable! I love her updates – thanks for sharing!
She is absolutely precious!!
Weston is at that awkward stage for clothing as well… except he’s in between 6 and 9 month clothing!!! (and he’s only 4 months old!!)
She is just so precious.. and looks exactly like you! I love her polka dot outfit and the fact that Audrey just follows her around.. so cute!
She’s adorable! It almost isn’t fair haha! Love her little bow.
Tiffany Ima
Style Honestly
How is she 5 months old already?! Such a cutie… I think she looks like her mama!