Being Still | You're Good Enough


  1. Best.quote.ever. I’m going to frame this 🙂 Thank you for this series, Molly!! Love this and you!!!

    “I have GOT to stop trying to be good enough for everyone else and I NEED to remember that I am good enough for God. And THAT is all that matters.”

  2. Oh boy, you’re definitely not alone. I’ve definitely struggled with this a lot and have actually been at odds about this just this weekend. Your words were helpful and right on time. I’ve still got some work to do with getting in a better head space about it, but this puts the emphasis on it that I needed. Thanks!

  3. Found your blog button on Happy Medley – and I am so glad I clicked on it! Thank you for the reminder. I’ve reflected on this scripture a lot but the way you just wrote about it gave me a whole new perspective. I understand completely how you feel and it’s so refreshing to see you putting your thoughts out in the open.


  4. Not alone at all, Molly. I’m right there with you – being a newer blogger I often feel insufficient. The Lord definitely has been helping me get over that.

  5. Molly, it’s crazy how you always seem to touch on the biggest thing in my life that I am struggling with at the moment. Thank you for opening up and sharing your struggles. It is really an encouragement to know that I’m not alone.

  6. I LOVE this post, Molly. This is exactly what I needed to hear! I’ve been dealing with a boss who is one of those “nothing-is-ever-good-enough” types, and after a year of her constant feedback, I’ve recently started to question “AM I good enough? Is everything I do wrong?” and it’s really taken a toll on my self confidence. It can be hard to pull myself out and say, “This isn’t that big of a deal. I AM good enough.” But this was the reminder I needed 🙂 Thanks!!

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