Being Still "When Things Don't Go According to Plan"


  1. I love this post! I just came back from our women’s retreat and one of the themes of the weekend was “Am I trying to get God into my story, or am I trying to get in on His story for me?” Being a part of His story for me and trusting in Him is a wholly different experience than me trying to get Him into my story for myself. Reminders to trust and let Him have the reins are always good 🙂

  2. It’s so comforting to read through the comments and see how many people needed this right now. Like you said, we all want things to work out right now and we all get disappointed when they don’t. How wonderful to know that He does have a plan for us and we can take refuge in the peace that Christ brings!

  3. I’m thankful for you Molly, and appreciate your honesty. Totally understand waiting and trusting… and it is very hard! (And I often fail and get frustrated but God is patient and forgiving!) 🙂

  4. Whenever I feel like this I always think of Jeremiah 29:11! He knows exactly the prosperous plans he has for us. We just have to trust and have faith that things will work out

  5. I definitely felt the same way about my own labour, pretty much a carbon copy of your experience (except a tad longer, ugh). Afterward I struggled to believe that I hadn’t failed somehow because I wasn’t able to deliver Joe the way I’d planned. Now I look back and see how the hand of God was over the whole experience, using the difficulty to teach me all sorts of things about his protection and his perfect peace. God is the best 🙂

  6. this is beautiful. and as a new belivever i know what you mean when speaking of waiting on God to answer whatever you have on your heart- sometimes its hard but always worth it. 🙂 bless you! talk soon perhaps?

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