Callahan Shorts: Lilly Pulitzer | Tee: Target | Denim Vest: Old Navy | Shoes: TOMS | Clutch: Pink Azalea Boutique
Photos by Em Grey Photography.
Welp, there I go. Wearing my denim vest (again) and making puns (again). Old habits never die? Or something.
I realize I have been wearing this denim vest, oh, like ALL THE TIME. But, I can’t help it. I love it. As I’m sure you know by now. Bahaha!
Puns and whatnot aside, I like to see every single clothing purchase I make as, basically, a small investment in myself. I NEVER buy anything that I can’t think of AT LEAST three ways to wear it. If I can’t think of three ways to wear it, I don’t buy it. I obviously make exceptions for something that’s for a specific purpose like a wedding guest dress, business suit, etc.
But, in general, I really make it a hard and fast rule that I don’t buy anything I can’t wear multiple ways. Otherwise, to me, you’re just waisting your money. But, that’s just my opinion.
What about you? Do you have any hard and fast rules about clothing purchases? Or your wardrobe in general?
I always love a good denim jacket & you are rocking this one lady! Good looking outfit you got yourself there
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I love this vest! I was on the lookout for it at my local Old Navy, but they were completely sold out. Instead, I found the denim jacket version (looks identical to the vest, except with sleeves), and it came home with me. Glad I found a classic item like a denim jacket for such a good price to add to my wardrobe!
thank you!! YES! My denim jacket is also a favorite closet staple!