The Biggest Tip for Planning for Retirement in Your 20s and 30s


  1. Loved the advise! My parents put me into a Dave Ramsey class when I was in college and it was great for learning about money. Then when my husband and I got married we took the class together as well. We are still working on getting the rest of our college debt paid off, but once we are not putting all extra money towards that we plan on starting our retirements. This post though just might make us start sooner!

  2. Gosh LOVED that! Brandon and I have had many conversations about savings in general. We are lucky that he does not have college debt because of football, while I have quite a bit! Moving state lines, living apart for 6 months, then with him having to find a job once he got here set us back a lot more than we originally thought is would. This month we are finally getting caught up and paying down expenses that have accumulated in the past few months. We are saving now thank gosh, and have hopes of purchasing a house in 2015! Love your blog! always so insightful. P.S. we really do need to catch up for more than a few minutes at the gym!

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