Halfway There & Link-Up
Blouse / Tunic: The Limited (similar) | Leggings: Hanes Hosiery c/o | Boots: Target (on major sale!) | Scarf: Lilly Pulitzer Murfee Scarf (similar) | Bag: Target | Earrings: Nickel and Suede c/o | Custom Wrap Cuff: Your Words Cuffs c/o (Use code “MOLLY” for 10% off!) | Watch: Vierra Watches c/o (Use code “BEINGMOLLY” for 10% off)
Exactly six months from today I will be turning 30 years old. Now, I am not saying that to sound negative or like I’m dreading 30 or that I think I am old or anything like that… so don’t go rolling your eyes yet. Haha!
I actually, for some reason, have no real issue with turning 30. I don’t think 30 is old. I certainly don’t feel 30… although I’m not sure 30 is supposed to feel like anything, really. And, well, seeing as how I’m not 30 yet… You get what I’m trying to say.
I have been seriously contemplating whether or not to do some sort of 30 before 30 list, or something of that nature. I’m not really a “resolution” kind of person and I’ve never been great at making “gotta get this done before X date” lists… Which is ironic (I think?) seeing as how I love to make actual “to-do” lists.
So why have I been so hesitant to make a “30 before 30” list?
I have no idea.
To be quite frank, I don’t even know what I’d put on it. I’d have to do some serious thinking before I ventured into something like that.
I realize this may seem anti-climactic to some of you. You’re probably thinking, “Really? You’re just going to TALK about making a list and not actually make the list?
That’s not entirely what I’m doing… I think this may be the proverbial kick in the rear I need to actually do it.
And maybe it’s not even a list of things to do… maybe it’s just a list of 30 things I want to accomplish, or attempt, or dream…
‘Naw mean?
What about you? Did you make any lists before any “big” milestone birthdays? I’d love to hear your thoughts or what things may have been on your list!
Welcome to Let it Shine! Welcome to the new, revamped Funday Monday! After two years, we decided to rename our link up to something we felt was a better fit. Welcome to Let it Shine! Why the name? Because, we want this link up to be just that…..your chance to let it shine! We will be sharing our favorites each week here, and on social media!
/ Midi Skirt / Valentine’s Look /
Another place we will be showcasing our favs? The Let It Shine Pinterest Board! So, go ahead…..and Let it Shine!
I turned 27 in December and made a 30 before 30 list – it was SO much fun to put together, and it’s been even more fun working towards some of those goals. Many of them are bigger goals (like buying a house, paying off credit card debt, taking a vacation, etc.), but some of them are littler too (reading 12 books a year, playing my guitar, talking to a friend on the phone more often, etc.). I highly recommend making such a list
I will be 30 in May ahhh! we will celebrate together! Happy upcoming Birthday! Scary right?!?
Rachel xo
you look fabulous and happy early birthday! My birthday is on March 17th! Pisces rock! I never made any list for any milestone birthdays….eh…lol. not my thing!
Turning 30 was awesome. Like you, I had no fear or qualms about turning 30 or 40 for that matter. Life does go on and if you can believe, it does get better too. Love that scarf. The colors! ~Cynthia
Love the scarf! You look great! Thank you so much for choosing my valentines outfit for one of your favorites!
Love that color blue! That bag is gorgeous!
Love your outfit!! That blue is gorgeous on you
Would love to have you stop by and share #linkupwithlisa
@ http://www.beauty101bylisa.com/2015/02/linkupwithlisa-going-green.html
This lip color is Va Va Voom on you!!!
xo, Lee
That scarf is gorgeous! And you’re totally going to rock 30!
32 doesn’t feel any different than 25. I guess it is all state of mind for me. Enjoy your 30s! It was a big celebration for me. My husband and I went tandem sky diving. I think I will stick to parties on the ground level from now on. lol. Love the outfit too!
Your accessory are so colorful and fun. Really loving the cobalt blue purse
I totally get you about making resolutions even though you like making to-do’s list. I’m the same way. A list of 30 things you want to accomplish seems better than resolutions, gives it a positive note!
Absolutely love the scarf…so pretty and it looks great on you! Thanks so much for hosting a fun party!
I’ll be 32 at the end of this year
So far, 30s have been great!! I didn’t make a list of things I wanted to do before I turned 30, because I like to do things as I want to do them … if that makes sense. I didn’t want a deadline looming over my head. And, plus, my list of things I want to do doesn’t stop when I turned 30.
That scarf is stunning and I love that bag! Thank you so much for hosting the link up!
Love your outfit, that is such a pretty blue!! I’m 31 and so far I am loving my 30’s a whole lot more than my 20’s!
What a pretty outfit! I made a list of things I wanted to accomplish prior to turning 50. It made that milestone even better!
This scarf is just beautiful. I love the bright colours in it!
30s are awesome. You will love them!
I am about to turn 29 and it feels big to me. Loving your blue!
Amy Ann
The Real Arnolds
I haven’t done a list like that, but what I have done is pretend to be at the NEXT milestone looking back over the decade and writing a letter to myself about it. Positive visualization! Anyway, love your fresh and pretty look!
Dawn Lucy
I just turned 43 and I make a goal list every year! I love it! I never think of it as a bucket list – too negative!! My favorite list is the one we created marking vacations we want to take before our daughter graduates from high school. It is so fun to mark them off each year and look forward to the next! Thirty is great, but I have found 40 to be even better:) Susan
Well I flippin’ love birthdays and I also love making lists… though I never did the “30 before 30” lists or anything like that (probably because they didn’t exist back in those days)!!!!! As my next would be 50 before 50 I still don’t think I’ll be doing them because that’s just too much to do – the list will get bigger every decade won’t it?!!
Mustn’t forget to say how beautiful you look in these colours, Molly – the bright blue and white really, really suits you. And Happy Half Birthday!! I always celebrate mine (told you I love birthdays)
Thanks so much for hosting, I think I’ve gabbled on enough…
Catherine x
Beautiful blue colours again, really great on you. I had a bit of a wobble about being 30, but so far it’s the BEST decade!! I’m having the time of my life. Thanks for hosting the linkup x
Nope, I don’t make that kind of lists. That said, your scarf is super pretty
Alex – Funky Jungle
Looking so pretty in the shades of blue! Turning 30 wasn’t so bad…40s ain’t so bad either!
Hope to see you Thursday for TBT Fashion link up.
I planned to run 30 miles on my 30th, but then found myself 37 weeks pregnant. It’s fun to make a big deal out of milestone birthdays and even numbered ages!
Loving the color of that bag!! xoxo Francy @ Fancy-Francy.com