The Ultimate LulaRoe Review: Five Reasons I Love LulaRoe
Dress: LulaRoe Amelia c/o or Here | Earrings: Nickel and Suede | Bag: Target | Watch: Wristology Watches (use code “45” for 20% off!) | Bracelets: Alex and Ani c/o | Wedges: Rack Room Shoes c/o
A few months ago, I was introduced to a clothing company called LulaRoe! I’d heard of it in passing, but hadn’t ever tried their stuff before. I connected with Lauren and JJ (two LulaRoe stylists) because I was going to have them provide some clothing for the Southern Women’s Show fashion show I did back in April. After meeting them and seeing the LulaRoe pieces first hand, I fell in LOVE!
I have since become a MASSIVE fan of LulaRoe and I pretty much want to shout it from the rooftops how much I love their clothes.
So, with that being said, I wanted to share my ultimate LulaRoe review with five reasons WHY I love LulaRoe so much…
1. Their clothing is made in the USA*!!
I love companies that plant their roots here and create jobs here in America! That also means the people making the clothes are being paid a fair wage and work in good conditions! YAY!
(*post edited / updated May 2016: while a good portion of their clothing is still made in the United States, they do manufacture outside of the United States now as well.)
Their leggings were never made in the United States… The reason for this is China actually holds the patent on the machine that helps to make the leggings buttery soft.
LulaRoe has also experienced insane growth over the last year, and to help meet demand, they have opened factories in places like Guatemala and Mexico. I have looked into this at great length, interviewed people, emailed, asked, and done my due diligence to find out…
From everything I’ve been told, LulaRoe is still extremely commited to producing their clothing ethically. The people on the LulaRoe executive team have vetted their factories… The workers are of age, are paid a fair wage, are not coerced or forced to work, the working conditions are safe, etc.
Again, I do not work for LulaRoe, I am not a consultant, and I make no money from saying any of this… I just genuinely love the clothes and believe in the company.
Would it be best to have everything manufactured here in the USA? Of course! But, sadly, it isn’t realistic in order to meet the demand, while also producing a great product. LulaRoe is also not unique in having this problem. MANY companies end up outsourcing to meet demand… However, not many companies take the time to ensure their overseas manufacturing is ethically produced and managed. I hope this is helpful!)
2. Their clothes are UNIQUE!
One thing that is really cool about LulaRoe is that for every cut of fabric they get, they only make 1,000 pieces in that fabric and then… POOF! That particular fabric is gone from the presses… so while that means it may be tough for you to find an EXACT dress that you loved on someone else, that DOES mean that what you’re getting is unique and different and hardly anyone else is going to own the same dress as you!
3. Their clothes are insanely comfortable!
Their leggings are like butter. Their tops are soft as silk. Their dresses are FLOWY and stretchy and so. so. so. forgiving and flattering and comfy! I love that I can just throw on a LulaRoe dress and head out the door and I feel cute, confident, pretty, and put together… yet the entire look was effortless!
The Amelia dress (which is the style I’m wearing here) is my favorite. It has POCKETS!!!!!!
4. They’re AFFORDABLE!
The most expensive item in their collection is $55! Most dresses are in the $30 range! They even make little girl’s dresses that are super cute, too!
5. There’s a size and style for everyone!
Since their fabrics vary so much and since the prints change so frequently, there’s literally a print or style for any woman. I love that! They have edgier prints, more traditional prints, romantic prints, and even classic solids. Any woman can find a dress or top or skirt in her style. They also have plus sizes which is AWESOME because that means pretty much any woman can find a dress that fits, too!
So yeah… as you can tell, I’m a LulaRoe fanatic. I can’t say enough good things about them!
They are a direct sales company, so you’ll want to connect with a consultant near you – BUT, Lauren and JJ (my consultants) have online Facebook groups that you can shop in!
What about you? Have you heard of LulaRoe? Have you tried any of their stuff?
*I am not a consultant of LulaRoe. This is not a sponsored post. None of the LulaRoe links are referral links. I genuinely love this company and want everyone to know about them! If you do shop from Lauren or JJ and their LulaRoe shops, tell them I sent you!!!
I was lead here via a youtube video that stated this clothing company is basically a cult. I have never heard of this clothing company before.
Well I know that I can go on anow app I have and find a manufacturer in China that will make me an pattern I want and as many leggings as I want, and with the same exact material. Maybe LLR is doing the same thing. ??
I just bought a perfect T I was under the understanding that they were made in America. That was the speal they gave me a couple years ago. They bought out. I will pay more for American made. They could put alot of people to work.
Hi I am a LuLaRoe consultant and I was wondering if you would do a blog specifically on my VIP group that I can use!!! Thank you so much love your blog!!!
Is there any proof that LLR garment workers are working in safe conditions for fair wages other than the company saying so + making some BS feel good video about it?
a lot of videos of the factories and the factory workers / conditions, etc. have been posted online. they have third-party audits, unannounced checks, etc. Everything I have seen, read, and talked to people about has pointed to nothing but exceedingly high expectations and conditions of the factories. I want to reiterate that I don’t work for LLR, I’m not a consultant, and I get zero compensation from them. I’m extremely passionate about ethical and fair trade fashion and feel very confident, as it stands right now, that LulaRoe is an ethical company.
Don’t worry. If the employee willingly accepts the terms of employment, it’s fair.
THey are not fair trade and who sets the bar for ‘fair wages and good conditions’ in this country? I don’t trust any company that doesn’t commit to the fair trade federation because they could lie at any time without oversight. This company is not committed and until they have joined a fair trade organization, I will not support them.
While being certified fair trade is AWESOME and a great, great thing… there are a lot of really fantastic companies that are ethical and doing wonderful work that are *not* certified fair trade. I just always suggest doing research!
What difference does it make? Is telling the workers they can’t have their job anymore because you don’t think they get paid enough or have conditions you would work in just slightly arrogant? Actually ask the people if they would rather have less pay for better conditions, they will to a man, woman, or child, they’ll take the cash. And that is the deal. Better conditions don’t come from happy feelings and good wishes, somebody has to pay for it.
Hey Molly.I really love your stuff. keep blogging.
thank you! <3
Hey Molly! I am a lover of LLR leggings! I am hesitant to by any shirt though. I really want a perfect or an irma but am uncomfortable picking a size. I usually where an XL 14-16. How tru to size are they?? Do you mind me asking what size you are and what you are wearing?
Hey Sarah! I am a size 14 and wear TC leggings in LLR and usually a size large or XL in everything else.
Even the perfect? It says on the size chart that I should order a M.
Depends on how loosely you want it to fit. I wear a l/xl in the perfect bc I like a looser fit
Same here! Thanks for your help!
Number one is totally in accurate not one piece of my LulaRoe clothing was made in the US it was all made in China or Vietnam
If you have read the other comments and post updates, I have updated to say that the clothing is now made all around the world, not just the USA. When LulaRoe first started and up until last winter, it was all made in the United States. However, since they grew so rapidly, they expanded to manufacturing in other countries but still maintain high standards for their factories, employees, etc.
Hope that helps! Thanks!
You should actually change the wording of the title of Item #1. For those who scan and don’t read, you are misleading them.
if they don’t read thoroughly they are misleading themselves
Hey! I have been trying to find out forever if their clothing is ethically produced! Thank you so much for this. I love them, but I wont buy anything that goes against my values. Do you have any more links to where you found the info?
Hey Kobi! There’s a link to a video on their website – I think it’s called “a product story”. Also the company they’re working with to up cycle textiles is called Recover Upcycled Textile System. I also Learned a lot just by talking with consultants who got information from the company. Oh! And they post info on their social media a lot
I want to be on board with LuLaRoe because a dear friend is a consultant, but the fabric is really unpleasant if you live in a humid environment; I wore one of their dresses outside on a humid night and the water from the air starting pooling on the fabric; it was bizarre. The fabric isn’t ecologically sustainable, either, because almost all of it is either polyester or a cotton/poly blend. Neither option is biodegradable. I also worry that the nature of the direct sales model and the way parties are run encourages impulse buying. I purchased a skirt and a dress a few months ago and I’ve already decided to pass them on to someone else.
A lot of the old fabrics definitely used to leave a lot to be desired, but they have actually been working to upcycle fabrics and working with this company to do that: They’re moving towards a more sustainable model! It’s really cool, actually. They also have greatly improved their fabrics of late and I’m noticing a lot of the clothing is really improving in quality! I live in humid HUMID North Carolina and still wear my Lula all year long.
I hope that helps!
The quality of their leggings has drastically decreased, and it’s not a small issue. When the only response is “Lularoe offers plenty of options other than leggings” or says that the quality isn’t an issue because holes happen in only 5% of their leggings, and they’re only intended for 3-5 wears, the same as pantyhose, then no, their quality has absolutely not greatly improved, “as of late” as you stated.
3-5 uses?!!!!???? And how much r these leggings anyway? I’m curious but I doubt I try. I have my fave yoga brands that I love and get on sale to boot and sooooft and extremely durable. Any info on LLR leggings like the yoga kind or yoga Capri kind. I glanced and saw they’re ALL called leggings but in reality some r yogas. I want price avg and material used. MY brands are labeled. From I saw on this site of LLR nothing’s labeled other than “buttery soft. Hmmmm
Thanks so much for doing the research on their ethical production! I really appreciate and will be linking to this post.
you better read again – there is zero ethics in their production
How can a foreign company hold a US Patent? They have their clothes made in other countries because it’s cheaper and they make more money on each sale. It is not right.
Most countries have their own patent laws local to their country. A company has the option of applying for a patent in other countries. So a person could have a patent for a tool in Germany and want to patent that same tool in the U.S. because that’s just a smart business move.
Hi Deborah! I just wanted to say that LuLaRoe has their clothes made in other countries because they cannot meet their manufacturing needs in just the US. The family tried very hard to keep the manufacturing here. LuLaRoe only contracts work in foreign countries if the plants doing the manufacturing agree to pay their workers a fair wage. I can assure you that this family is not in it for the money. Remember that incurred cost adds to the sales price of an item. One of LuLaRoes goals are to make comfortable, fashionable and affordable garments that anyone can enjoy. Where else can you get an amazing dress for $55? You should really read their startup story, it’s wonderful! Have a blessed day
I would pay whatever it took for it to be made in the U.S.A. The family caved to greed.
I’ve seen dresses that look EXACTLY the same, and not in GRANDMA CURTAIN prints at Walmart that cost under $30. I’ve also seen leggings also not in 60s and 70s wallpaper prints online for under $10.
Some people do enjoy Walmart clothing and it often fits their budget more appropriately. I have nothing to say about the prints as fashion sense is highly subjective. I can say that if you’re comparing the two brands, you’ve likely never tried LuLaRoe on before. There is no comparison in comfort or durability between the two.
all 3 of the leggings I purchased from LLR ripped – not on the seams, but in the fabric – within 2-3 wearings! Durability? I don’t think so.
I have been buying LLR Leggings since Feb 2017 and have never run into an issue with them. You also have to be careful putting them on. I pull them up like a pantyhose and none of mine have gotten torn, ripped or holes!
LLR clothing is the exact same quality as what you would find at Walmart, just 3 times the price. As some one who has gone to fashion school and works in the fashion industry, LLR is a joke. it is nothing more than fast fashion from cheap fabric and poorly made in country’s with questionable work ethics. they try to make claims that they only use ethical manufactures and that they are sustainable and eco friendly, while all their fibers are man made. They cant produce any certification proving either of those claims. If you think LLR is quality clothing then you likely have never tried on quality clothing before.
I caught that too
Did you get a response for why get have to expand internationally instead of the US? I know, they have to “meet the demand,” but why did they say they can’t do that in America by adding more factories here?
The thing with international expansion has a whole lot of issues / layers to it that isn’t unique to LulaRoe… (I’ll give you what I know in the short answer form… and I’m no expert on this, but this is from what I’ve been told and through a lot of research…)
When a company wants to expand internationally (as in, selling in international markets), many countries will not allow selling of products in international markets without some kind of manufacturing presence. LulaRoe has goals (from what I gather) to expand the company into other countries… which means they’d need to have a manufacturing presence in those other countries.
What they did was they went into impoverished areas and/or areas that used to have a strong manufacturing presence and revamped factories and provided, in some cases, thousands of jobs in an area where there were little to no jobs. They are monitoring those factories closely and making a positive impact on those communities.
With regards to American factories / manufacturing… they didn’t close any of the factories, in fact, they hired a lot more to ramp up production.. however, quality and production wasn’t up to what they really needed to grow and so, they opted to start also manufacturing overseas.
I could go on a whole separate tangent about an issue that a lot of companies manufacturing here have with employee work ethic / quality / laziness… which is no bueno.
NOT saying that was an issue here, but often that is the case.
In any event, when done RIGHT, expanding internationally isn’t always a bad thing… and from what I gather, LLR is doing it right.
I hope this somewhat helps answer the question!
I used to work in an American factory. Unless you have worked in a factory, I don’t think you can understand how mind numbingly boring it is. Everyone I worked with had a good work ethic, but it was still mentally exhausting and there was a lot of burnout. That’s why companies that allow for rotating positions are really much better, and more ethical, too. People need to feel valued regardless of their skill set, and simply calling factory workers lazy does not tell the whole story about the systems they work within. My bet is that, as factory workers in developing countries have access to more competitive opportunities, they’ll start demanding greater satisfaction from their jobs, too.
I certainly didn’t mean to imply that all workers who work in American factories are lazy or have poor work ethic. That’s certainly not my intention at all! So, I sincerely apologize if that’s how it was implied. I completely agree that people need to feel valued – that’s something I’m SUPER passionate about and is why I really value ethically made products -at the end of the day, it’s certainly a much larger problem and less “simple” to combat than just making things here or outsourcing altogether.
Thanks for your response. This is touchy for me because I often feel a huge social disconnect between us conscious consumers and the people who actually produce the goods. My parents are white collar, but my grandparents and uncles all worked in factories. I think that white collar, upper middle class people like me often have the luxury of not really considering what a drain it is to do rote work. We valorize it when it’s done in developing countries, but we hardly even associate with factory workers in our own country. I just happen to have random experience as a factory worker, and it was the most difficult work a quote-unquote well educated person like me has ever undertaken. So thankful I don’t have to do that anymore. I blog on ethical consumption, as well, so it’s been an interesting question for me. While I want to ensure that people with manufacturing jobs have good ones, ultimately I think most factory workers would like to have access to other opportunities. I know I did.
Glad you delved deep into LuLaRoe’s sourcing. I was curious about it, as well.
oh absolutely! it’s SO hard and i believe it is important to have the discussion because companies NEED to hear our voices! ethical consumption is something i’m really passionate about and the truth is, we need a massive overhaul of our entire system… but it is not going to be easy. and the truth is, the jobs have to exist in some form or fashion, so how do we make them fair, good, and beneficial? thank you for reading, leah!
I love this conversation. Thank you both.
thank YOU! <3
They are not made I the USA. All pieces say made in China or Vietnam. You should correct your article.
See my replies to other comments below
this article was written in July when production was still all in the US. While some production is in China, Vietnam, Guatemala and Mexico, a large portion is still in the US. Hope that helps. 
I just bought two Irma shirts. One said “Made in Mexico” and the 2nd has no care tag. :-/
When someone asks a question about material OR sizing…ALL of the consultants say the SAME thing….”THEY ARE ALL THE SAME”….and the leggings are NOT all the same thing. I am VERY new to them…only a week…watching and reading and even “I” can read they all are NOT the same in sizing OR material. The ones from China run smaller…the ones from Vietnam are thicker. I have a friend that has bought over 40 pair between her and her daughter. They said they will not order anymore. They ordered most all of them in ONE week. There are 4 different countries on the tags.
Some of them say “Buttery Soft”…but not ALL are. The consultants need to have better info to sell…..AND be able to answer questions in TRUTH!!!
They are not all made I the USA leggibgs are China and Vietnamese and Mexico I wish they were all usa
I know that
I actually addressed this is other comments below. Thanks! 
Not to be too picky, but I think the 8th pic down, of just the bottom portion of the skirt — you can tell that the hemline is not even. The yellow portion on the left side disappears as it goes to the right side. Being a symmetry freak, this type of carelessness in sewing drives me nuts.
Ugh, I noticed that right away. It’s actually not the hemline… if you notice the waistline, it is also off a bit. This is typical of their clothes. Patterns never line up properly, and that is a huge pet peeve of mine. It definitely is a sign of carelessness AND low quality.
I am sorry you feel that way! I personally love the dress and feel great in it.
Me too! Gave away all other clothing! LLR is on my body 99% of the time!
To get that super svelte, LuLaRoe feel the garments are hand laid, stretched, and then cut. A special brushing process is used to add to the ‘buttery’ feel of the clothing. In this process, certain parcels can become more enlarged than others. Since this is handmade clothing, imperfections are part of the territory. I find it endearing and feels it adds to the uniqueness of each piece. This is a $55 dress that everyone can feel good in and not a $250 dress that was built for 1 body type. As I happen to enjoy being perfectly imperfect, perhaps it resonates with me more than it may with others
Leggings are made in Vietnam, Korea, China, Mexico, and I’ve only come across one print thus far that was made in the USA.
I’ve actually answered and discussed this in previous comments.
Thanks for reading, Em!
Actually, none of their items are made in the USA anymore. You may get some older pieces with the USA tag but everything has been outsourced.
That’s actually not the case… they still do a lot of production in the US. They do have factories outside of the US now, but a lot of production is still on US soil. Additionally, the factories that they’ve opened in Mexico and Korea have been vetted and comply with WRAP standards.
I hope that is helpful! Thanks for reading!
Can you show me where it states that they are WRAP compliant? I totally believe you, but I have a friend asking for a better resource than just this post. Thanks!
They don’t have anything regarding WRAP directly on the website… but the biggest suggestion I have is to contact LulaRoe directly (which is what I did last year).. BUT, what i love is that they visit the factories directly and they’ve even put clips on social media… here are a couple:
I don’t care how comfortable they are. Not one piece of their line of clothing will ever go on my body
What size are you wearing? I think I have the same body
and I’m not sure which size to order.
This dress is a size large and it has a lot of stretch
Their leggings are made in china not the usa
Hey Catina! Correct – I actually discussed this in a previous comment… but there’s actually an update to this… some of their leggings are now made in the USA as they are trying to get a lot of manufacturing back here… HOWEVER, the reason the leggings are made in China is because China actually holds the patent on the machine that makes the leggings so soft. Additionally, after speaking with people at LulaRoe when I wanted to know, the factories in China that LulaRoe work with, while they are not certified fair trade factories, they do comply with WRAP ethical manufacturing standards. (Meaning the factory workers are in safe conditions, paid a fair wage, and there is no child labor). I hope that helps! Thanks for reading!
What WRAP certification level are they? You have a link where we can learn more?
Hey Corey! Unfortunately I don’t think there’s a link online… I called the company and I also interviewed a few consultants to learn more about their manufacturing practices. I hope that helps!
Anyone can check the certification level of a business that is Certified if they know any of the information to search for it, such as: Facility, City, Country, etc. (Unless the company hasn’t granted permission for that information to be public that is) This link will get you there – – you just need a little more info. Again, I’d really like to know more.
That’s great to know about the link! That’s super helpful. I don’t work for LLR and I’m not a consultant so I only know what I’ve been told. If you call LLR I’ve had great success with speaking with their customer service department. The people I’ve spoken to have been very helpful. Hope that helps!
You can not buy them if you don’t like it ?
How do you actually purchase from them?
great question, Celeste! a couple ways – you can find a local consultant and attend an in-home popup shop (SUPER fun) or you can shop online via FB pop up parties. I have a few friends who are consultants and I am happy to direct you to them! Here’s my friend Kelly’s VIP shopping group:
You said you’re not a spokeswoman for the product or being compensated, yet you provided a friends page to order clothes and then said to mention your name. How does that add up? Please explain.
I have a few good friends who are consultants and they love to know how people heard about them. It’s certainly not a requirement or anything that people give my name, but it’s not an uncommon practice to let people know where you heard about their business. I hope that helps! Thanks for reading!
Who cares. She doesn’t have to explain. If you don’t want to buy or are somehow offended then don’t bother. She’s a FAN. That’s why she mentioned. Good lord. SMDH. BTW, Molly… I

I have followed your blog because of Stitch Fix and love all your style posts. And so imagine my surprise when I went googling LuLaRoe to find blogs with styling ideas….so happy you love the brand! I just signed on as a consultant and I’m so excited to be getting in my first stock this week!! If you ever need some new pieces, I’d love to be added to your list of places to look! I absolutely love your style!
Thanks Angela!!!
Lularoe brags that their products are ,”Proudly Made in USA”. Their clothing is NOT made in the USA. It clearly states on the tag of the leggings MADE IN CHINA. As an American who is trying to make a living in the garment industry, this is like a slap in the face. What a lie. I loved Lularoe until I realized that they are buying products dirt cheap from China and re-selling them at American Prices. Where is the extra money that they are making going? In their pockets of course!
I should have clarified, their leggings are not made in the USA – they are actually working on changing that… but ALL of their other clothes (dresses, skirts, etc.) are made in the USA. Again, I’m not a consultant for LulaRoe and I don’t make any money from them, I just genuinely love their products. I don’t love that the leggings are made in China, but they are working on that… everything else is made here.
Actually, everything else is not made here. I have two Irma tops and both were made in Mexico. I also have to agree with mbrew19, the quality of their clothes is not great. I love their leggings, but I have two Irma shirts and a Julia dress and they are all very thin fabric and not sewn very well. The two Irma shirts, despite being the same size, do not even fit the same. I wish I had just stuck to leggings…or at least waited to get the first shirt before ordering anything else, especially since their stuff isn’t cheap. :-
I completely agree with you. I purchased a skirt thinking that the items were made in the USA. The Cassie skirt that I’m holding clearly states “Fabric Imported.” I also thought that would be constructed with some kind of decent quality. Sadly, I am totally disappointed with the skirt. After wearing it one time, it’s pilling horribly (no, I haven’t washed it) due to the cheap fabric they’ve chosen to use. The clothes are way over priced for the quality, shouldn’t be more than a a few bucks. I also work in the textile industry.
Agreed. Serious false advertising as I’ve been told this by numerous consultants. I think I’ve purchased my last LLR piece.
I agree with you completely. Some of the items are cute but the fabrics are so cheap. I’m careful withy laundry and I had the same problem with the Randy-T, leggings, Irma tunic and Julia dress. They all get little linen balls and look worn after the first wash. Cheap, cheap material for the prices. Also my Julia dress and Irma tunics are solid black colors and the color comes off not only during washing but while you are wearing it. I wore white pants and a scarf with the Irma tunic and it ruined my pants. The color in the pants didn’t come off and now the upper part is white bluish color. The slip I wore with the Julia dress (the fabrics is so thin you have to wear one) did the same thing but I can still wear it since im the only one to see it. If the fabric was better quality I would probably be their costumer but I’m done now.
Finding unique pieces isn’t easy so I’ll definitely be checking out this shop! Love that dress! Xo, Stephanie
Such fun color and pattern!!
XO Color Me Courtney
This dress is fabulous on you and you have styled it perfectly!
Allison @
A few women that I used to go to church with in NC sold LuLaRoe and I never knew they were so affordable! Now I wish I went to a few of those parties!
You look so fabulous! Love the colors! So pretty!
I hadn’t heard of them till my sister told me about them a few weeks ago. She is obsessed and now I find myself needing several pieces from the collection. Cute and affordable are my favorite fashion words!
That dress is adorable! Will definitely have to check them out!
Still so glad you got that dress! And I still love mine and want more and more Amelias.
That dress is so cute! It looks amazing on you! I love all the colors
I’ve been in love with LuLaRoe for over a year! It’s so versatile and comfy! I wore it through most of my last pregnancy because pretty much everything stretches! Glad you’re sharing the love!