Answering the Age Old Question: Are Leggings Pants?
Top: Ventura Oversized Pocket Tee via TOBI (Made in the USA! and on sale!) c/o | Lace Extender: Grace and Lace c/o | Denim Vest: Old Navy (found a bunch on ThredUp for cheap!!) | Leggings: LulaRoe Black Leggings | Necklace: Sparrow Studio c/o | Earrings: Nickel and Suede c/o | Bag: Nena & Co | Booties: Shopbop c/o | Cuff: Branded Collective
For the last several years, there’s been a very heated debate on a very controversial topic. And today, I’m tackling that question…
Are leggings pants?
And you’re probably not going to like my answer…
The answer is:
Yes and no.
See? I told you that you wouldn’t like my answer.
Let me break this down… first, let’s address when leggings are NOT pants… when the answer is “no”:
- Leggings are NOT pants when they are any sort of “nude” or “flesh” color. Nope. Nope. Nope.
- When the bum is showing*. You know what I’m saying… when the full-on-bum is showing… leggings are not pants.
To clarify, this is regarding LEGGINGS… not workout attire. There is a difference between the type of leggings you wear to lounge in and the type of leggings you wear to workout in. Different purposes.
Those are pretty much the only two times when leggings are not, in fact, pants.
So, when ARE leggings pants? When is the answer “yes”?
- Leggings ARE pants when the bum is covered
That’s pretty much it. It’s a simple “rule” – just cover the bum. Wear leggings with a dress, a tunic, or get a lace extender to put under your favorite shirts you want to wear with leggings. It’s really quite easy to substitute leggings for pants.
For me, leggings are truly a gift to women. They’re stretchy, comfortable, and easy to wear. When you got two kids… they’re BASICALLY a no brainer.
I realize some may disagree with me on this and say that leggings are never pants. I guess this is going to be one of those things where we just have to “agree to disagree” – or something.
So what do you think? Are leggings pants? When are they pants and when are they NOT pants? Thoughts?
On a separate note… I always like to let you guys know about great sales that are happening and Shopbop is having their fall “Main Event” 3-day sale going on NOW through Friday, October 14th at Midnight PST. I love that Shopbop carries a wide variety of brands and designers, many of which are made in the USA! Be sure to use code “MAINEVENT16” at checkout for your discount!
I agree when front and bum are covered they should be okay. However my daughter isn’t allowed to wear them to school even if she has a long tunic on over them. And she has stomach issues which requires her to wear comfortable pants with no tight waistlines. And even has a doctor’s note to wear them and they still say no.
WHAAAAAT? that’s crazy!!!
They look great! I totally agree. When I read your post title, I immediately thought, “They are kind of pants…”
hahaha ye!!
I agree with you, but unfortunately every time I go out, I see women wearing them as pants. It’s a losing battle I’m afraid. I think part of the problem is that most tops do not cover the bum, although I have noticed they seem to be making them longer now. I find the best way to wear leggings is a short dress. They definitely cover the bum.
yes, there are def way too many people who don’t do it right. we must share the way to do it!! hahaha
You always look so put together and cute. I 100% agree with your take on leggings!
aw thank you, Molly!!!
I would add, “when the bum and the front are covered”. I mean, you’ve seen it and I don’t even want to type the words, but too many hi-lo hems lead to covered bottoms in leggings but camel toes in the front. There, I typed it.
I need one (or more) of those lace extenders….
haha yes, you are correct!!!
I’m with ya. Bum covered. You’re good!
In college, when this trend was making it’s debut, I was FIRMLY in the “leggings are not pants” group and was oddly vocal about my dislike of the trend. Now, I’ve really embraced it but with the same parameters you have – no flesh colored (eeek) and always have my bum completely covered!
I agree with you!! I also think I need one of those lace extenders. what a great idea!
i LOVE lace extenders!!!