Amos is Eight Months Old!
Our sweet Amos turned EIGHT months old last week! He is the light of our lives and we love this sweet, snuggly boy. He is so chill and really just wants to be held and snuggled and just wants to hang out. He has ZERO interest in food and ZERO interest in crawling or moving (stark contrast to his sister at this age) but I’m cool with it. He’s doing things on his own time! It’s amazing how different kiddos can be from one kid to the next.
Anyway, I wanted to share Amos’s eight month update!
Weight & Height: ??? Honestly no idea. I’m guessing in the 19-20 pound range for weight and… no idea for height hahah
Nicknames: Mr. Man, Monkey, Monkey Man, Sweet boy, Buddy, Buhlly, Buddy roe
Sleep: Some nights okay, some nights not okay. We are working on it. Slowly but surely.
Eating: He still only nurses and he nurses all the time. Amos literally wants nothing to do with anything that is not me. Regular food? Forget it. Bottles? Nah. Nope. Nah.
Diapers: In size 3/4 disposable diapers, and still loving our BumGenius all-in-one diapers!
Clothing: He’s in mostly 9 month or 12 month clothing
Mood: When he’s not teething, hungry, or tired, he really is the snuggliest, sweet boy. He just has the sweetest disposition. We love it!!!
- His Noggin Rings
- His lion
- Snuggling
- Being outside
- Being worn
- Mommy
Doesn’t Love:
- Loud noises
- Being hungry or tired
- Being beat up by his sister
- Not being held
- Solid foods
What I Want to Remember / Milestones: His bottom two teeth are fully in and his top two teeth have been cutting through for about a week or two. He’s also so interactive and smiley now. He’s not crawling or moving yet, but I’m cool with that!! He also loves to say dada and mamamamamaa.
What I’m looking forward to: Halloween!
Love you, sweet Amos!!!
What a cutie! It just seems like he was born.
I can not believe he’s 8 months old already! My second son was like Amos — he wanted to be with me ALL the time. It’s so sweet but also exhausting. He’s a cutie!!
“Love you, sweet Amos!!!” Me Too! So Precious Molly!!! He two tiny teeth are so cute. He is such a sweetie!!!! All smiles. God Bless You Molly and Family! – Michele
He is the cutest ginger boy I have seen. Loving those 2 bottom teeth!
xo, Lee
He has the sweetest face. Molly, you and your husband make the cutest babies!