Tips for Pumping While Traveling Away from Your Breastfed Baby


  1. It was helpful to hear how you structured your pumping sessions in keeping with your normal schedule at home. I’m expecting our 2nd but our daughter is 7 so I feel like I’m relearning a lot! It’s also nice to hear about your experience with different kinds of pumps, too. Thank you for offering this giveaway! This would be a huge blessing to me as this is a surprise baby and we didn’t save anything from our first! 🙂

  2. This is such a generous giveaway! My first child is due in July and I have so much to learn about breastfeeding. Your post was very helpful and helped to make it a little less overwhelming.

  3. Great post! Lots of things to learn for the first time I travel with baby! It’s nice to know that so many hotels and airlines can be flexible with this!

  4. I’m in my first trimester of pregnancy and am learning all I can about breastfeeding and pumping before the baby arrives. This information is so helpful, and the breast pump would be such a blessing!! xo

  5. When I delivered my baby due to preterm labor, my hospital gave me a pumping kit with the lactina manual pump. I used it for a day before I got a loaner pump from the hospital. It was temporary while I worked with my insurance to get a pump. I think the lactina manual pump would be good for traveling to areas without access to electricity. It’s a pain to push and pull the pump manually but I found the suction to be good. A friend could help too during the pumping sessions.

  6. Second baby in October and just like the first one I hope that I am able to breastfeed and pump while at work.Thank you for all your wonderful advice on all the new pumps by Medela.

  7. I love how real you are about your breastfeeding journey!! Baby is due in July and I’m really hoping this journey is easier on me than my pregnancy! Thanks so much for you travel tips!!

  8. I’ve pumped and saved my milk while traveling internationally. I just gave the hotel my milk every night and asked them to put it in their freezer. (I used the hotel laundry bag.) Then at the end of the trip I put the frozen breastmilk in a cooler that I had brought, taped it up,and checked it on the plane. It was still frozen solid when I got home 14 hours later!

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