1. I’m intrigued by this. What exactly is the main goal of this missions trip? What is the church’s main function with this? I appreciate your insights.

    1. Hey Josh – I’d be happy to tell you. The village in Kenya called Kiria is a village that our church has adopted. They are a Christian village, but many of the surrounding villages are not. As a church we support them financially throughout the year – with the money going towards supplies needed for clean water, schools, and churches. Our church visited them last summer and some of the children came here in the fall to visit newhope. This summer we are going to further develop our relationship with them – but with the main focus in continuing to share our faith with them as they grow in theirs and serving them while we are there. They’re a very small, poor community and so as a group we provide helping hands where needed.

      We’ll be getting a more concrete itinerary and list of the projects we will be helping with closer to the time when we leave.

      But above all, the main thing is to reach the people of Kiria, Kenya, further teach them and share with them about our faith, serve them, and help give them the resources they need to be a self-sustaining and thriving community.

      I hope that helps clarify. Obviously the more detailed things are still in the works and ever-changing, but for the most part, all aforementioned stuff is the most important.

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